Where to buy Privateer 2 in the UK


Does anyone know where I could find a copy of Priv 2 in the UK? I keep tabs on the UK Ebay but the game is pretty rare around here. I remember that someone once posted a site that sold the game in the UK but I've managed to lose the link.

If anyone has any ideas I'd be really grateful.

Also, I finally found a second hand PC game shop in Kent (an English county). Its a tiny shop in Canterbury and currently has a copy of the Kilrathi Saga going for £50.
Originally posted by t.c.cgi
You have an e-mail? Mabey some sort of trade. I would gladly part with Priv2 for KS.

You and everyone else but the two people who bothered to buy it when it came out.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

You and everyone else but the two people who bothered to buy it when it came out.
Even though I didn't buy it when it came out (BTW, when was that?), I was lucky to catch a copy in January '98 for just 59 "Deutsche Mark" (about $30 :D )
Thanks Jochen. The software Savings link was exactly what i was looking for.

That copy of KS was beautiful. Apart from not being in the original cellophane wrapping it was pretty much perfect. I would have paid the money if I'd had it. On the minus side, my girlfriend and my friends would have never stopped laughing at me:rolleyes:.
Originally posted by jammyo2k
Thanks Jochen. The software Savings link was exactly what i was looking for.

That copy of KS was beautiful. Apart from not being in the original cellophane wrapping it was pretty much perfect. I would have paid the money if I'd had it. On the minus side, my girlfriend and my friends would have never stopped laughing at me:rolleyes:.
You're welcome... :D

Well, I wouldn't pay £50 for KS unless my salary would be so high that I would not have to care about paying £50 for a coffee :)

Just try to get an old PC and play the DOS versions, they shouldn't be that expensive (in cases you don't own them already)
I do own all three games. I just wanted the lovely shiny manuals and various other books. I don't have any of the documentation that came with the games so it is kind of logical (although not very).

However, £50 is a bit steep for three games that I could buy for £10 fairly easily. AND those games would work better than KS.

Well, I wouldn't pay £50 for KS unless my salary would be so high that I would not have to care about paying £50 for a coffee

The price of a Starbucks Frapuccino is not far off that. The last price increse means that a Venti Frapuccino (with cream) will set you back about £4:eek:.

£12 is a great price for Priv 2. Slightly less than three Iced Coffees :p