Where Does 'Lance' Come From?

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
We've called the WC3 torpedoes 'Lances' for years... but what's the origin? Is there a weapons selection screen that shows this?
I believe it was introduced by Prophecy. It was the light torpedo... I'm not sure how it's related to WC3's variant, though. As far as i know it was only known as "torpedo".:)
Prophecy had Lancer Light Torpedoes and Pike Torpedoes... but I'm referring to knowing the class before Prophecy ever came out. If not the regular version, maybe the 3DO or PSX weapon selection screens?
I believe the WC3 PC loadout screen does show the torpedoes as Lances when you click on the torpedo hardpoints of the Thunderbolt or Longbow.

Best, Raptor
I can confirm that - just checked it in KS. The lefthand part of the loadout selection readout reads as follows:

TYPE: Torpedo
TACVAL: Cap Ship