What one thing do you want to see most in UE2?

What one thing do you want to see in Unknown Enemy 2?

  • A long winning path

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • A complex branching system

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • More ships from the previous games

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • Brand new ships

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • High emphasis on plot

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • More carriers

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Character animation in FMV

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • An inbuilt fiction viewer

    Votes: 5 12.5%

  • Total voters


If I've missed anything then just post your extra opinion :)
Planning is in the very basic stages and won't get any more detailed until we've helped out a few other projects as promised (we do owe a fair bit of credit in UE to people like Eder and Killerwave so its only fair)
First i want UE.....


I think that ships from previous games (Thunderbolt), more capships, more missions, you know ;)
Well as I was reminded yesterday the SO fiction states that the thunderbolt has been decommisioned, and who would buy them other than the Border Worlders? ;) But... WHY would you want the thunderbolt? :rolleyes:
I'd quite like seeing a return to the older style of dogfighting with a relatively small number of ships in every engagement. WCP and WCSO were fun but it just feels somewhat silly for 1 confed fighter (the player) destroy 40+ ships in one mission. I'd prefer to have a less powerful ship and fewer enemies to expand on a different aspect of dogfighting.

All options sound good, but I wouldn't like to be on the recieving end of the WC community's reaction to any brand-new ships. It would be fun to have Intruders, Jaguars and Dauntless fighters as mentioned in Holding the Line though.

Keep up the good work!

BTW how far away is completion of the game? I know you can't give me a time frame but how much work remains to be done?
We're very close, so close I could give you a time frame but since I can't prove it as we're still working on getting an FMV out of Hadrian that we need and theres no telling how long that'll take :p
Also although Quarto pulled the last cutscene out of his hat in a 2 day time frame the final cutscene is much more complicated.
Mission 8 needs bug fixing and mission 10 although ever so close to completion isn't the final version just yet.
We seriously are talking about weeks and not months though.
You can choose your ship in many UE missions. Not the loadout though, since the game engine has not been made to be able to change the loadout from preset ships.
Yep, on quite a few occasions in UE you get to select your ship, but only with a choice of two, however in UE2 I've been thinking of a way to either select your squadron for a campaign or select from 5 or 6 ships on a mission by mission basis, I actually preffer the former as it should allow for more intresting mission branching.
I voted for a built-in fiction viewer. I think that's the coolest thing ever, and I also think that a mod with a built-in fiction viewer would be the greatest mod ever :D

Ghost, don't worry about first getting UE - any talks about UE2 are just idle speculation until UE is released. We're certainly not stupid enough to jump into the creation of a sequel before the first part is done ;). As for Thunderbolts, it's quite possible that they'll appear, though I haven't actually considered that before.

Jammy, reducing the odds to something more like WC1 or 2 would be something I'd like to do, but since UE2 is likely to still have a lot of Nephilim in it, that probably won't be possible. Indeed, even with Kilrathi fighters, the AI makes it difficult to really challenge the player. As for new fighters... well, I don't think introducing new fighters would be any more controversial than the upgrades we've done to the old. Indeed, just about everything we do will be controversial, since it involves adding things that haven't been covered by the official products.
I'd like a complex branching system like WC1 (although all the options are good). Multiplayer would be cool tho, I don't know how possible that would be.
Originally posted by Ghost
First I want UE...
My first thought too. :)

Originally posted by jammyo2k
I'd quite like seeing a return to the older style of dogfighting with a relatively small number of ships in every engagement. WCP and WCSO were fun but it just feels somewhat silly for 1 Confed fighter (the player) destroy 40+ ships in one mission.
The problem with this is that before, Confed and the Kilrathi were more balanced in terms of strength and numbers. The Nephilim ships are clearly not as strong as Confed's fighters, and so, make up for this in numbers.

Originally posted by Quarto
Ghost, don't worry about first getting UE - any talks about UE2 are just idle speculation until UE is released...

Jammy, reducing the odds to something more like WC1 or 2 would be something I'd like to do, but since UE2 is likely to still have a lot of Nephilim in it, that probably won't be possible...
Gah, Q strikes first. :)

Originally posted by Quarto
Indeed, just about everything we do will be controversial, since it involves adding things that haven't been covered by the official products.
Uh oh, that doesn't sound good. :p

Originally posted by fallen phoenix
The odd massive fleet battle wouldn't be too bad
Hmm, this too, sounds good!
Well... I've seen some of the Capships take out turrets on neighbouring ones in some of the larger capship battles in UE :) It wouldn't do them any good to fire lasers at components other than the turrets anyway.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Uh oh, that doesn't sound good. :p
Eh, it's standard procedure :p. Unless you're re-making an existing WC game, you can't avoid making up stuff.

As for capship battles, capships are stupid and don't aim at components - they just don't see the difference between a fighter and a capship. Nonetheless, we do have a capship battle or two in UE ;).
Maybe a new feature could be capship battles where the caps can take each other out. Hey what about flying an enermy craft ala wc1 so2? Hehe taking them on in there on kind od ship maybe they would stand a chance. :D
Well, it would be neat to find a way to let the player fly a bug ship, but I'm not sure if that's actually possible from a storyline point of view... one the one hand, you've got the difficulties in obtaining one (not a good idea to leech it, since it might 'kill' the ship and trigger the virus). On the other, there's the question of whether the ship would even be flyable for a human - it's designed for a different species entirely, and it might be difficult to plug a human interface into it.