What moments stand out most?

Yeah, it might have been ackward if you were a porn addict that was *overly* familiar with her body of work... but to your average teenager/movie-goer/game player back when the internet wasn't quite so common she was pretty much an unknown. To me, playing the game when I was 14/15 she was just Rachel.

Her "body" of work?

Pun intended?
Personally, I doubt Mark Hamill would have cared.
Probably not, though his agent sure did - I believe the CIC once linked to an Allen interview in which she says that Hamill's agent insisted on her taking a HIV test or something like that, to make sure Hamill didn't contract anything in the kissing scene.

(which, before anyone says that Hamill's agent is a jerk, does seem like a perfectly reasonable course of action - you can't spend half your life as a porn star and then be surprised that people think there's something questionable about your past)
Oh, it was his agent? I recall the story that it was Mark himself who insisted the test be done. Not that I necessarily want that to be the case, but that's just how I remembered the story.
Well, I don't remember for sure, but I don't think that's too likely - that is, I don't think it's likely that Hamill was the one who demanded tests. Whether or not Hamill actually wanted those tests done is another matter, though. An actor can't very well insult an actress when they're supposed to fall in love on-screen - that kiss just wouldn't look right if you could see the hate in Rachel's eyes :). So, if Mark Hamill would have had any concerns, he'd have talked to his agent, and gotten him to take care of the matter. Ginger Lynn Allen could then hate his agent, but at least she wouldn't hate him.
which, before anyone says that Hamill's agent is a jerk, does seem like a perfectly reasonable course of action - you can't spend half your life as a porn star and then be surprised that people think there's something questionable about your past

I dunno, as far as 'teh aidsordz' go I'd be more worried about any random person than someone who fucks for a living, with the latter presumably being tested for that sort of thing on a regular basis. Or are they? I seem to recall from law class in high school that it's illegal for employers, at least here, to demand information about STDs and the likes, which at least in this context seems pretty ridiculous.

Of course, that's being being 'objective' about it, in Hamill or his agent's shoes I'd probably feel better about her being tested. :p

On the original topic, for me it's probably Hobbes telling blair how important his friendship had been to him after reverting to Ralgha. I just thought it was a powerful scene. Oh, and my first Dralthi kill in Privateer, that was intense... and I got paid for it too! :p
I dunno, as far as 'teh aidsordz' go I'd be more worried about any random person than someone who fucks for a living, with the latter presumably being tested for that sort of thing on a regular basis. Or are they? I seem to recall from law class in high school that it's illegal for employers, at least here, to demand information about STDs and the likes, which at least in this context seems pretty ridiculous.

I think it's different given the "Line of work." From what I've heard, they require testing before shooting, some kind of birth control, etc. etc. One of my friends was like, "It's safer then having sex normally!"

Which if its true, he does have a point...

However, that is modern day, back in the 80s, I'm not sure, especially with Aids being far worse of an epidemic and less they could do about it to the point where people were dead within a few months to a few years. I'm not really sure whether or not that works in her favor.

That said, she did also do brief stint between 1998-2001 as a porn actress again.
Of course, that's being being 'objective' about it, in Hamill or his agent's shoes I'd probably feel better about her being tested. :p
See, I don't think you're being objective about it, merely politically correct. All things considered, the difference between a porn actress and a prostitute is pretty subtle. I'm sure that both prostitutes and porn stars take strong precautions - but if HIV is more frequent amongst prostitutes than in a random population sample, then it's pretty objective and common sense to assume the same is the case for porn stars.

On the original topic, for me it's probably Hobbes telling blair how important his friendship had been to him after reverting to Ralgha. I just thought it was a powerful scene.
Ah, yeah. That scene is fantastic. It's works on multiple levels - first time you see it, it seems like a pretty random scene, only Hobbes is being more depressive than usual. But then, the second time you play the game, and you know that Hobbes has reverted at this point, it's a totally different scene.
See, I don't think you're being objective about it, merely politically correct. All things considered, the difference between a porn actress and a prostitute is pretty subtle. I'm sure that both prostitutes and porn stars take strong precautions - but if HIV is more frequent amongst prostitutes than in a random population sample, then it's pretty objective and common sense to assume the same is the case for porn stars.

I don't really agree with either porn or prostitution as a profession, but with porn there are varying tiers of the industry. The larger higher end corporate branded stuff has pretty strict rules as to testing and who can or can't be involved. It's not as random as one might think. That doesn't mean it's all like that as there's a huge glut of that crap of varying levels of "quality" and standards, but to some degree there's a lot less risk of a porn star getting HIV than a prostitute who will sleep with any random bloke with enough cash. Of course we're not talking about cheap third-world trash or random people showing themselves on webcams.
See, I don't think you're being objective about it, merely politically correct. All things considered, the difference between a porn actress and a prostitute is pretty subtle.

Heh, yeah, to be honest I got that vibe from my post myself, but I still do think it's true. There is, as AD pointed out, a significant difference between high-tier industrial porn stars and 'random' streetwalkers.
This thread didn't waste a moment relocating to the gutter, did it?

Yeah, page 2 is only about Wing Commander now.

Agreed, it's amazing how well the Wing Commander games hold up, especially Privateer.

Since we're remembering our old game stores, I got all the Wing Commander games at Egghead Software, which went out of business shortly after the release of Prophecy. Funny note, after I got Prophecy, my family went to a pizza restaurant that also no longer exists. They literally tore it down. *sigh*

Yeah, I remember going over the boxes at Egghead quite a bit, but their prices seemed to be weird. $53.49 where everywhere else had something for $49.99. The company started near here in Washington. They reverted to catalog/online sales only after a certain point, and Amazon eventually bought them out. I believe egghead.com redirects to Amazon software.

I went backwards as well (or something) - Priv2-WCP-WC3-WC4-WC2 Deluxe-Priv1-WC1.

That's cool, I like hearing about reverse stories like that, people who got into the rest of the series starting from the Movie or Arena or something. You've also very much lived up to your name, Silent Warrior. 12 posts in more than ten years.
ChrisReid: There's no need to go into my post count.
But I have to say it was quite an eye-opener entering as late as I did. Instead of having fancier and fancier games from start to finish to be excited, what in hindsight stands out to me are the differences in gameplay. After ("Later than"?) WC3 I felt it got more arcade-like - or maybe I set the flight-model wrong? Afterburner-slides seemed to go out of fashion in Priv1. Anyway. Carry on, as you were, and all that.
Sooooooo many good moments its hard to choose just one. So I'll go by individual games.

WC1: The whole game was amazing from a design perspective, it really drew you into the game. The briefings felt directed at you, the debriefings added weight to your actions, the dogfighting with aces felt really personal, the talking heads in the Bar between missions were all full of personality. And who can forget the promotions and medals? Finally earning a Pewter Planet without cheating was a crowning moment on a game that is one big excellent moment.

WC2: The story really picked up here (Blair being considered a traitor, Spirit's death, Jazz, Hobbes, Angel, etc.), Broadsword jumping/refueling, Torpedo Runs, blowing up Ayer's Rock in SO2.

Privateer: Of all the things this game did excellently: running away from superior numbers and jumping out right before they can slag you was perhaps the best moment the game offered.

WC3: The tension between Tolwyn and Blair, the Behemoth, Hobbes betrayl, the final fight with Thrakkath and the trench run on Kilrah.

WC4: Blair et al. seeing the effect of the Gen-select bioweapon, and the final confrontation at the Senete.

Privateer 2: Learning that Clive Owen is the true heir to the largest crime syndicate in the Tri-system...and then being disappointed when you can't exploit that in-game in any fashion (seriously shouldn't you get a Kindrid base, or for them to at least stop attacking you). Really this game needed some kind of sequel or expansion.

WCP: Learning that the Nephilum were not as easy to shoot down as Kilrathi....*sigh* The final confrontation at the worm-hole also had a nice epic feel to it.
Vinman said:
Since we're remembering our old game stores, I got all the Wing Commander games at Egghead Software, which went out of business shortly after the release of Prophecy.

Egghead! I remember them! Them, Computer City, CompUSA, etc. I used to walk down there and browse when I was bored as a kid, but I never bought anything from there, for the reason ChrisReid mentioned: too expensive. All the WC games I bought I bought from a store in San Diego called Software & Such, and I bought them used for super cheap. I believe that my friend Joe's mom bought WC IV from Egghead, though.
My moment has to be the first time I played WC after the family computer was upgraded and I heard the game through an actual sound card instead of pc speaker bleeps. Computer's do music? Who'd have thought hehe.
Anyone have any fond memories of the "Secret Missions of WC1"? Currently watching the playthrough of it on Youtube, music is just awesome (then again it has always been awesome..) still gotta check out Privateer, and Prophecy yet!

Where in the world is Chris Roberts? He should come back to show this game to a whole "new" audience!
My moment has to be the first time I played WC after the family computer was upgraded and I heard the game through an actual sound card instead of pc speaker bleeps. Computer's do music? Who'd have thought hehe.

That's right, sound cards were an enormous leap forward. I remember the first time I heard one, it was at one of my dad's office parties in the late 1980s and they had a computer set up to play midi tunes and it felt to me as if the future had arrived.