What do you like better?

What do you like more?

  • Making Colson beg for his life

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • Frying a taunting Thrakhath

    Votes: 10 55.6%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Phillip Tanaka
I know one of the things I'd do to Colson. Do that trick Wolverine does, where he unleashes his outer claws around someone's neck and threatens to pop the middle one if they don't behave.
Originally posted by Ghost
I like how everybody assumes that the Kilrathi are cats and not cats alikes .

Well, I read that Chris Roberts wanted them to be a cat like race, and called them the Kilrathi, because they, well, kill rats. Also, note how Wing Commander (particularly the movie) is modeled after the second World War. Chris Roberts said how he wanted the movie to be like Das Boot, and the actor who plays Sansky was in Das Boot, and is a dead on lookalike for World War Two General Isenhauer. (Hope I spelt the name right). I mention this because the comic Maus might have been an influence also. Maus, for those who don't know, is a comic retelling the Nazi holocaust with cats as the Nazis and mice as the Jews.
Originally posted by Phillip Tanaka
Well, I read that Chris Roberts wanted them to be a cat like race, and called them the Kilrathi, because they, well, kill rats.

According to an article in the same PC Gamer edition that provided a portion of The Kilrathi Saga, Chris Roberts was trying to think of a name for Wing Commander's enemy race, but was having difficulty. So, he figured that they would kill with wrath, used "Kilrathi" as a place mark, and decided to pick it up in the morning. The name stuck.
Originally posted by Phillip Tanaka
Chris Roberts said how he wanted the movie to be like Das Boot, and the actor who plays Sansky was in Das Boot, and is a dead on lookalike for World War Two General Isenhauer. (Hope I spelt the name right).

I think you mean Jurgen Prochnow, who played Commander Gerald.
Sansky looking a little bit like Eisenhower is stretching even further than I'd go..
David Suchet would've made a great Shinzon for "Nemesis".