Welsh in Wing Commander PLEASE READ!


Okay I am new to the Wing commander comuunity so Hi everyone!

I started playing from WCIII onwards and was hooked. Just a few questions

1. There seems to be a few welsh references in WC. Anyone know why?

2. So as a "Pleeb" (can you smell me) being new what is the best download or accesory to get? Online games etc best sites etc etc

3. When WCIII came out there was a 30 minute making of the game AVI file. Does anyone know where I can get it because I loved that and thats what got me hooked.

4. So is there another game coming?

5. Why didnt they have Hamill and Wilson in the film...It was pants

thanks everyone
Welcome to our beloved madhouse Welshslider

1) Welsh.... i don´t know.
2)I use Download Accelerator try it !!
3)Maybe in some speciall colector edition of WCIII
4)Nop :(
5)Maybe money or time, but there is a rumor that the voice of Merlin is Hamill :eek:
Yes, I too thought it was silly that they didn't have 50-year-old Mark Hamil play the part of 20-year-old Blair. How bizarre.
Mark Hamill was an asset when trying to sell the computer games -- his having starred in Star Wars was a selling point to computer geeks.

Mark Hamill would *not* have been an asset to a movie trying to garner positive reviews...
But the makers must have known the script was a big pile of trash.

So do you cast unknowns or get the talents of Mark Hamill, Tom wilson and John Rhys Davies who in my opinion are all underatted actors and maybe get people to go and see the film and have some people go because they have heard of the actors and to keep the fans WC happy.
Mark Hamill has actualy gotten rave reviews from both stage (Title Character in Amaedus on Broadway) and Screen (Slipstream)
Humm I wonder if that means that somewhere out there is a horde of Teenybobber girl wing commander fans? One can only hope :) .
I recently read a review of Summer Catch that stated something along the lines of "... if there's a bad script out there, Freddie Prinze, Jr. can find it..."

I don't know why I brought that up. Sorry. ;)

Welshslider: How many Welsh references in WC are there, really? I know of one (Caernavon, or at least I think...).
Originally posted by Welshslider
Okay I am new to the Wing commander comuunity so Hi everyone!
3. When WCIII came out there was a 30 minute making of the game AVI file. Does anyone know where I can get it because I loved that and thats what got me hooked.
thanks everyone

I could get you a copy of the Making Of.. CD. There's more on it than just the AVI file, like some interviews and other stuff. Or if you have an upload place i could get you a CD image file.

Check out the WCA movie file on the homepage, it's from the cartoon series with the voices of Hamill, Wilson and McDowell. About every week they post another episode, there are 13 and they'll change up to 1 somewhere this week, i suppose.

welcome aboard.

PS don't ever lend original material, even to friends. I just finished making a copy of Privateer2 and am still pissed off at losing all the booklets and such.