

I have got to admit, that for a fan project, this game is really good. I'll start with what I didn't like first so that I end on a good note.

My main complaint would be that the Dauntless' shields are too big - in that even though I may be about a thousand clicks out from her, when I start firing at enemy craft, I end up hitting the Dauntless instead of the enemy, branding me a traitor.

Also, it would have been good to know what modifications the UE team had done regarding missiles, guns and cap ship shields. I'm not quite too sure whether all guns can penetrate cap ship shields now, or missiles either.

And that's about all my complaints - for now. I would complain about the difficulty of flying such obsolete ships, but that's the beauty of the game, isn't it?

I've also been very impressed by the rendering and remodelling of ships to make them compatible with the SO engine. Great work too on the surprises and plot of the game, especially alien buoy.

But, if anyone hasn't played Unknown Enemy yet, I strongly encourage you that you do.

I just had to write this because I am very impressed with the game
Yeh, I realised that afterwards. Sorry. Chatzone has changed a little since I last logged on...
Originally posted by StarLight
My main complaint would be that the Dauntless' shields are too big - in that even though I may be about a thousand clicks out from her, when I start firing at enemy craft, I end up hitting the Dauntless instead of the enemy, branding me a traitor.
Yeah, it's a really frustrating bug in WCP/SO. For some reason, while the ship's hull is displayed correctly, the collision tree (which is essentially an invisible copy of the ship's hull, as I understand) is screwed up.

Also, it would have been good to know what modifications the UE team had done regarding missiles, guns and cap ship shields. I'm not quite too sure whether all guns can penetrate cap ship shields now, or missiles either.
The only changes are the ones we explained in the fiction, everything else remains the same. So really, the only change is that the Viper cannon can penetrate capship shields. The behaviour of all other guns remains unchanged.

I suppose it's also worth noting that the Heavy Stormfire, requires both ammo and energy - the price of longer range and greater hitting power ;).
Re: Re: Wcue

Originally posted by Quarto
Yeah, it's a really frustrating bug in WCP/SO. For some reason, while the ship's hull is displayed correctly, the collision tree (which is essentially an invisible copy of the ship's hull, as I understand) is screwed up.

Hasn't HCl ever managed to improve that?
It seems to me that the hull gets screwed up in places where the vertices are too close to each other (like the Concordia's PTC and the Waterloo's bridge) and in some random big faces too (the Bengal's front section, the Tarawa's engine block)

What about the capship names in missions, has Thomas ever fixed that? That's the other little quirk that annoys me.... I mean, how am I supposed to write "TCS Leyte Gulf" without using spaces? :p

Well, I haven't heard from Thomas since... hmm, probably around March, possibly April. I'd say you may need to simply call it "Leyte" :p.
Hi, thomas here ;-)

I think you can do somehing like this:

object Leyte(Capship) as "TCS Leyte Gulf"
obj: osprey;
x: 0;
y: 0;
z: 55000;

TCS Leyte Gulf

Originally posted by Eder
What about the capship names in missions, has Thomas ever fixed that? That's the other little quirk that annoys me.... I mean, how am I supposed to write "TCS Leyte Gulf" without using spaces? :p

Hey, thanks for the help Thomas! :)

Quarto, drop me a line once you've tested that please, I still can't launch Standoff from my computer :(

(In case it works, let's make "TCS Something" the standard naming procedure for all capships in all the Standoff missions we code)

Re: Re: Wcue

Don't know if it helps, but I once "borrowed" the bsp generator from vegastrike, which I think is actually based on Mario's one. As I remember it generated smaller trees but I never tried if they worked better. Might be worth a try: http://thomasbr.cjb.net/wcp_bsp_gent.zip

Originally posted by Quarto
Yeah, it's a really frustrating bug in WCP/SO. For some reason, while the ship's hull is displayed correctly, the collision tree (which is essentially an invisible copy of the ship's hull, as I understand) is screwed up.
Well I'll be damned, it works :). Wish you told us earlier, Thomas... how much are you around these days, anyway? Or is it just that saying your name summons you? :)

Now to take a look at that BSP thingy...
If it works, yeah. Right now, I'm having trouble replacing the old collision tree with the new one, at least in the Dauntless model (keeps coming up with a range check error when I try to open it). But if it can be done, it would be great :).
Originally posted by PopsiclePete
Let's go Quarto, fix our capships ! Time to release verion 1.03 with fixed capships ! :)

Well,if that happens Version 1.03 will not change just "some unnoticable things"
Ups..............Well,try to fix the Capship bugs in the 1.02 version.....

Am I asking too much ?:p