WCU patch FAQ

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spiritplumber said:
Q> Are you a boy or a girl?

A> I'm a Steltek, we have five genders and a LOT more fun than puny humans -- even if we look a bit like Dr. Zoidberg. :P

Hmm.. sounds familiar ;) (sorry Spirit, couldn't resist)
yes, but

how do you install it?

on mac specifically.. I got as far as getting the wcu-code Folder and wcu-data Folder (and wcu-data-roid Folder too) unzipped, and they LOOK like they go in /Applications/Privateer.app/Contents/Resources

but in what order? will i overwrite something?

and what about ./WC_Ships ? do i put the contents in ./units or just in ./Resources/ or perhaps ./Resources/WC_Ships/ ?

and finally. How do I empirically know, in game, that I got it all installed correctly?

thanks.. and sorry for being such a n00b
- Mousey
Even if you don't need it, what's in there?

And, since I already downloaded it, how do I install it, anyway?
The happiness abounds!

ok, cool, that's teh info...

just for the record, there are two ways into the Privateer root directory on a Mac [10.2 & 10.3]

*** the hard way

- from the Finder window, find the Privateer icon [under Applications? wherever you installed it], and ctrl-click on it

- then select "Show Package Contents"

- a Finder window will open with a "Contents" folder in it. open it

- there's some stuff inside. you're looking for the "Resources" folder. open it

- welcome to the root folder for Privateer. drag and drop the *contents* of each of teh wcu-code & wcu-data folders in.

you're done.

*** or, the easy way.. [my Privateer icon is in the Applications folder for this example, YMMV]

- open a terminal window

- cd /Applications/Privateer.app/Contents/Resources [hit enter]

- cp -rp /Users/yourusername/Desktop/wcu-code\ Folder/* /Users/yourusername/Desktop/wcu-data\ Folder/* . [hit enter]
(note the "." after the last "*", make sure it's -there-, and make sure there's a space between "*"and the "." ..and make sure there's only one ".")

you're done.

hope it's helpful to someone.

- Mousey
To install, unzip the files. All that's in the ships .zip are graphic models from other WC games which are used for reference by the modellers.
spiritplumber said:
To install, unzip the files. All that's in the ships .zip are graphic models from other WC games which are used for reference by the modellers.

Talking about models, isent the size of cap ships a bit off. Just ran into one of the carriers ( think the one from WC3 - note: needs new textures & a cross deck tunnel for the fighters instait of a texture ), and when i placed my galaxy behind it, it was almost the 1/2 the size of the ships rear. Now when compared, the galaxy is only a medium class ship, it doesent even fall into the cap ship size who also have small, medium etc. It dident feel balanced vs my ship.

It's firepower on the other hand, now that did hurt :) After 23 torpedo's on the same spot ( 170 yealed ), it was still going strong :)
spiritplumber said:
To install, unzip the files. All that's in the ships .zip are graphic models from other WC games which are used for reference by the modellers.

Um, to where? It's pathed in the zip as /wcu-ships/<blah>, but I don't see that dir.

<confused> No, I'm not good with these technical things on the last full day before break.
Penta2 said:
Um, to where? It's pathed in the zip as /wcu-ships/<blah>, but I don't see that dir.

<confused> No, I'm not good with these technical things on the last full day before break.

Penta2, you DONT need the wcu-ships.zip. It's only for people who want to create model's / 3d object's for the game. To play you only need these two:


Just extract them to x:\where_ever_you_saved_privateer\ root.
Forum Moved

Sorry :( start over.

Actually, after some time, if you do not start over, the new ships etc. will begin to appear...

Further discussion about development has been moved to


due to excessive moderation here. Anonymous posting is allowed but
discouraged. Also, hellcatv will be checking that forum more often, which
should allow us to do some stuff which is only possible by modifying the
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