Wciii Psx

I own WCIII PSX, but no manual. Does anyone know the button combinations? I can't figure out auto-pilot... I'm flying manually between nav points...
Shamelessly stolen from the UseNet:

C = circle
T = triangle
S = square
X = X
other as marked

On the carrier:
C or T: cycle through hot spots. (You can also move the red arrow around with
the D-pad)
S or X: Activate hot spot
Cancel cinematic: (after youv'e seen it for the umpteenth time) Start button
Select reply: C, T, Or D-pad up/down

In flight:
Pitch and yaw: D-pad
Roll: L2 to roll left, R2 to roll right
Double turn rate: (It works, too) Hold R1 as you move D-pad
Speed up: T
Speed down: X
full throttle: L1,L2 and T
zero speed: L1,L2, and X
afterburners: L2 and R2
match speed: X and T (Doesn't seem to work right, cuts speed to zero or does
nothing at all most of the time)
autopilot: R1,R2,L1, and L2
Eject: L1,L2,R1,R2,Start, and Select
Pause and access in-flight options(skill level, invincibility,music, etc...)
Press start
Cycling through this screen works the same way as jumping through hot spots on
the carrier. C or T to select, S or X to activate. The boxes light up when
something is on, and go dark when it is off.
Cycle camera views: Select and R2. You have to go through them in order to
get back to the cockpit, sorry.

lock target: L1 and T. To deactivate target lock, Press L1 and T again.
Switch target: L1 and X
Select next turret: Select and S. ( it is VERY hard to hit turrets. The
frame rate takes a nose dive when you get near any cap ship. :( )
switch guns: L1 and C
Select full guns: L1, L2, and C
fire guns: C
Switch missile: L1 and S
Select full salvo: L1, L2, and S
fire missile: S
drop decoy: R1 and R2
activate/deactivate smart targeting: Select and X
Cloaking: L1 and R2 (Excalibur only)

Nav map:
Display map: Select and R2
Cycle through nav points: C and S
Zoom in: T
zoom out: X
Move map: D-pad

Left VDU:
Anything you do with the left VDU will happen with the SELECT button held down.
cycle through displays: Select and left or right on D-pad
Cycle through options(comms or power): Select and up or down
Select option: Select and L1
To use comms, hold select cycle left VDU to comm screen, use up/down arrows to
select receiver, then up/down again to select message, press L1 to send.
To use power distribution:
hold select, cycle to power screen, up/down to select system, R1 to increase
power,L1 to decrease. R1 and R2 set selected system to full power, L1 and L2
reset all systems to 25% power.
quick comms:
"Break and attack": select and T
taunt kittys: select and C
When i played WC3 for the first time, i didn´t know how to escort a transport ,so basically it took me about half hour to reach the navpoint with the transport and nothing happened, until i was close enough to hear the Autopilot linked thing :(
I knew about that from the days of WC1/2 where ships you escorted greeted you upon arrival.

[Still, escorting ships in Privateer is a bit odd...]

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
When I first played WC1 I didn't know about *afterburners* <G>
Oops. :)
Stupid me!

I'm so stupid! I was playing it on a playstation emulator, and my keyboard can only combine four keys if they're command or function keys. I sould've assumed it was all the shoulder-buttons pressed at once. Now whenever I play WCIII on the emulator, I just map all the shoulder buttons to the function keys! I wanted the PSX WCIII because it has all the movies that are missing from the PC one(it's good to be thorough!)
movies in pc/mac version...?

Is there some patch that allows me to add the missing movies to WCIII on PC or Mac? Since the files are there...
I don't think so. Just view the clips separate from the game. For the most part, there was no big deal in missing them in the first place. Hobbes' Explanation is an exception, of course.