WC4 weird thing


So ... I'm having problems running WC4 on my newest computer, so I install it on an old 486 I happen to have lying around.

It plays weird -- it's the same set of CDs, but the missiles and guns seem to be significantly de-powered. I'm used to an ImRec killing just about anything in the game, from a dragon on down. Now, an Excalibur can take a direct hit from a Dumbfire and keep flying!

Checked -- same difficulty level, but now everything in the game (my ships and the other side's) seems about twice as tough as previously.

Any ideas why this would be?


Brian P.
It can't be a matter of difficulty since both the shields of his enemies and his shields are strengthened. On a higher level his shields should be weaker and on lower levels the enemies' shields should be weaker.

My guess is very simple: Perhaps just bad memory? It has been a long time too since I played WC4, maybe you just remember it wrong.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
It can't be a matter of difficulty since both the shields of his enemies and his shields are strengthened. On a higher level his shields should be weaker and on lower levels the enemies' shields should be weaker.

My guess is very simple: Perhaps just bad memory? It has been a long time too since I played WC4, maybe you just remember it wrong.

Maybe -- but I don't think so. I distinctly remember an ImRec being the kiss o' death for any ship in the game when fired by anyone. I'm flying a Dragon -- instadeath by Imrec. Same for my opponents. But that doesn't happen anymore. It's been less than three months since the last time I played, so I'm pretty sure my memory's holding up well.

Question -- do the rest of you remember WC4 missiles being overpowered in contrast to the other games?


Brian P.
I definitely remember WC4 missiles being much more powerful in that game than in any other in the series. If an ImRec doesn't destroy... I dare say any fighter in the game, well, that's gotta be something wierd as long as dificulty is set at "Ace."
I prefered using the Leech missles as much as possible, but I do seem to recall most of the time needing to knock down shields before any of the other missles would make a kill. I always loved how the atmospheric fighters, once leeched, would just float in mid-air.