

Does anyone know where I can get the DVD version of Wing commander 4? I was looking through some old game magazines when I came upon an article that said they'd put it in DVD format. Any help would be appreciated...
As always, try Shopping.Yahoo.Com and Half.com for your Wing Commander needs.
First open up "Start WC4" do the full install, then don't open the game from the dvd, open it from your WC4 file. It should work perfectly.
Originally posted by T8H3X11
First open up "Start WC4" do the full install, then don't open the game from the dvd, open it from your WC4 file. It should work perfectly.

Yes, if you have a DVD decoder card and/or a MPEG2 player that WC4 DVD likes...

Speaking of which, anyone know of a good MPEG2 program that works with WC4 DVD?
i hear powerdvd works, but i can not verify that as i have a creative labs dxr3/ sigma designs hollywood plus decoder card.
They all work, it's just standard MPEG-2. It's the running the game that's a bit tricky.
Originally posted by KrisV
They all work, it's just standard MPEG-2. It's the running the game that's a bit tricky.

Yeh--just bought/installed a DVD drive yesterday, w/ PowerDVD bundled. The movies play great, but I haven't tried the game.

Is it the *game* that we keep hearing we need the decoder card for?... And aside from the cutscene movies (and saving of disk swappage), is there any advantage to playing the game itself off of the DVD vs. the CD version of WC4 (I have both, as U may've guerssed)?...

IIRC, the game needs the decoder card - the movies play fine on their own. Plus the DVD quality cutscenes and the no disc swapping ought to be a big enough advantage on their own, methinks. But no, other than that, I don't think there's anything else the CD version doesn't have. Except maybe the Win95 patch...
well, getting the Windows 95 version in the first place takes care of that little problem ;)
Help Please

So is there anyone willing to sell their version perhaps??:( ...Would the game work on ATI's DVD player w/ hardware player?
No, it won't work on a software player. You can watch the movies one at a time, but you can't play the game. You need a specific hardware decorder (the Creative DXR-something aka Hollywood RealMagic Plus). You can buy one on eBay for pretty cheap, though -- I put one in the WC Computer last week for under $20...
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I put one in the WC Computer last week for under $20...

Out of curiosity, will there be an article or howto on how this Wing Commander PC is put together?
we can we find that article, it will ce cool to have a PC made just for WC, I need to play Wc1 again, but on today computer is really fast ans imposible to play