WC4 cutscenes only black and white


Petty Officer
I'm having an issue with WC4. All the cutscenes are in black and white and the gameplay is in color. The black and white selection in the options is not even selected either. I've done no updates, no patches and I'm using windows 10. Would love to see if anyone here has a fix for that.
I'm having an issue with WC4. All the cutscenes are in black and white and the gameplay is in color. The black and white selection in the options is not even selected either. I've done no updates, no patches and I'm using windows 10. Would love to see if anyone here has a fix for that.
I thought you must be using the DOS version; but I just booted up the DVD version and found I'm also only getting B+W movies!
I've tried K-lite and the WC4DVDFIX and nothing works.
I found the issue, it's the latest nvidia drivers. Go into display manager, hit display adapters, then on your GPU right click and hit properties.
From there select rollback driver.

Your videos should be in color again.
I found the issue, it's the latest nvidia drivers. Go into display manager, hit display adapters, then on your GPU right click and hit properties.
From there select rollback driver.

Your videos should be in color again.
Which version did you rollback to? Cause it's still black and white for me.
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I don't know what to tell you, 522.25 worked for me, and I just tried re-upgrading (to 526.47) and now it was black and white again; so it's definitely that for me.
ok, i'm an idiot. I rolled back the wrong driver lol. I'm now on 522.25 of the GeForce driver and it's back to color.
Has someone tested the latest drivers? Or do we need to stay on this version now forever to play WC4?
Has someone tested the latest drivers? Or do we need to stay on this version now forever to play WC4?

I haven’t tested but I did report it to nvidia and it was happening on another game so i think there’s a good chance they will have resolved it.

Edit: Just tested with the latest drivers, it is indeed fixed.
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