WC3 confusion

Originally posted by Ijuin
Being able to volley off more than two torps at a time in WC3/4 is kind of pointless because other than the Kilrathi Dreadnaught in the final losing mission in WC3, and the Vesuvius in WC4, no enemy capital ship that you face requires more than two torps to destroy anyway.

I shot a carrier with two torps in WC3 and the thing was still alive (and none of the torps got shot down)
Don't think so. It's happened more than once and in different spots. though on the easier levels, the damn thing goes down with 2 shots
Originally posted by Ijuin
Being able to volley off more than two torps at a time in WC3/4 is kind of pointless because other than the Kilrathi Dreadnaught in the final losing mission in WC3, and the Vesuvius in WC4, no enemy capital ship that you face requires more than two torps to destroy anyway.

However, I do wish that you could launch missiles/torps two at a time in WCP--it is a pain having an enemy ship recharge half its shields before you can launch the second missile.

What if the CapShips` turrets destroy your Torp?Fire more than one and you are O K!

Well I know that cant happen in Wc3/4 but what about the fiction of the universe ?
You are right though,there is no need in the game