WC1 Aces

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Ok who do u think was the hardest ace to kill out of WC1. I think the one in the Jalthi was the hardest (can't remember his name)
Redclaw was easy to kill. All you had to do was get in behind his Jalthi and hammer the guy until he blew up. By far, the worst WCI ace was Bhurak Starkiller, the guy in the Salthi. All it took was a couple solid hits and he'd run, and nothing in the Confed inventory could catch a Salthi on full burn (least of all the Scims you're flying when you encounter Bhurak).
I've never been able to down Bhurak before he flees. WildWeasel, since you mention downing Bhurak in a Hornet, does he return some time later in the game, and if so, do you remember when he does? I'm very eager to shoot him down for once.
The trick is to not shoot until you're close, and then, not only shoot, but go to burn. The quick loss of shields and armor should allow a quick ramming to destroy him. It worked for me anyway. I can't say much for my paint job though.
You get to fight Bhurak in a Hornet on the losing path. You also get to meet him a second time on the losing path, though I think the latter encounter is in a Scim. On the winning path, it seems like the designers may have originally intended to have the remaining aces appear during the starbase mission in Venice, but for whatever reason, this didn't happen.
Yeah, when I play the original Wing Commander, I usually intentionally go through Gateway and Chengdu.

From what I understand, Quarto, you get the opportunity to kill all the remaining Kilrathi aces throughout the entire Venice scenario, not just the last mission.
Well... the bar room conversations certainly implied that you'd get this chance, but I never actually saw any aces in Venice.
Thats probably cause you popped them all off
I have seem Bhurak once or twice, I think he was flying a Krant though (this is well over a year ago now, so my memory is hazy)

I seem to remember that Angel (or is it Spirit) says something about the Kilrathi gathering their best forces to defend the station and after checking the logs, them not having any "ace" pilots left.
Definitely Bhurak was the hardest to kill, of course for those of us who are "Aces" ourselves, it was a piece of cake. ;) (After two or three tries anyways)
Originally posted by Oggy
I have seem Bhurak once or twice, I think he was flying a Krant though (this is well over a year ago now, so my memory is hazy)

Not possible. You're thinking of Khajja "Machine" nar Ja'targk.

I seem to remember that Angel (or is it Spirit) says something about the Kilrathi gathering their best forces to defend the station and after checking the logs, them not having any "ace" pilots left.

That was Angel.
right, my bad
thanks for clearing that up WW

so, am I right in thinking that on the last mission, any aces you haven't bumped off previously will appear in their designated fighters?
I recently re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re.............re-re finished Wc1 and I think that RedClaw was the best.On the other hand Khajja is the worst ,but my favorite :(
hmmm...I think the worst ace would have to be Daktah "Deathstroke" nar Caxxi (sp?) cause he targets ejected pilots....nasty
Dakkath "Deathstroke".He fires ejected pilots, as Halcyon said (or was it Paladin... ?or .....I dont remember) "he is no big deal if you are still in your Fighter" .
Originally posted by Oggy
so, am I right in thinking that on the last mission, any aces you haven't bumped off previously will appear in their designated fighters?

Here's a list of when and where we encounter the Kilrathi aces.

Bakhtosh: Dakota 3, Port Hedland 3, Hubble's Star 3, Hell's Kitchen 4
Khajja: Brimstone 3, Rostov 3, Venice 1, Hell's Kitchen 1, Hell's Kitchen 4
Dakhath: Gimle 3, Chengdu 2, Rostov 1, Hubble's Star 1, Venice 3, Hell's Kitchen 3, Hell's Kitchen 4
Bhurak: McAuliffe 3, Gateway 3, Hell's Kitchen 2, Hell's Kitchen 4

It seems that we were mistaking the winning path with the losing path. As far as I can tell, that list is complete. If the ace is already dead when you're supposed to encounter him, he'll be replaced by a regular pilot.
I think it was either Ice or Bossman (I'm leaning towards Ice) who talked about Deathstroke. Personally, the only ace that I have ever had problems with is Starkiller cause your in a Scimitar (my fav in UE but it sucks in WC1) which is slow and turns like a brick in cement and the furry bastard runs once you hurt him, which I always found funny cause the cat is mouthing off about how the cats are superior but he turns tail once he gets into a fight.
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