WC Uprez Unity3d Doodle! (Heavy GIF Use, Mobile Users Beware!)

So @Howard Day is this supposed to be an assignment Angel gets instead of transferring to the Austin to be her squadron commander (as referenced in SM2)? I really love everything about this and the Tolmacs design is excellent.
No, the idea for an intro to this was Halcyon, Angel, Hunter, Maniac, and the Player are talking on the flight deck of the 'Claw. Hunter and the player are heading to the Orszaga to flight and combat evaluate the Firrekan's first space fighter, Angel's leaving for the Austin to take command of the flight wing, and Maniac's being an ass.
Due to the jump-timing involved, You and Hunter are flying stripped-down Hornets - No HS missile and a dump tank of jump fuel; needed to catch up and rendezvous with the Orszaga.

That'd be the last you'd see of the old crew besides Hunter until the last set of missions, where you Scramble-respond in a Broadsword to fly in ahead of the Orszaga assisting the Austin in retrieving stranded 'Claw pilots after the ambush at K'tithrak Mang. Angel's on your wing, one of the pilots you snag is Maniac.
thecoredump, FekLeyrTarg: Yeah, that stuff all exists. It'd still be a lot of work to get them set up again to render properly, as more than a few of the textures are in .CEL format which 3dsmax no longer natively supports.
Yes, it does take up time setting up the materials in particular depending on which program you use.
The good news is that I managed to convert all cel files to bmp. :)
Sweet! You should update the wc3d.zip archive. :D
Here's a minor update from some conversations on the discord last night.
Hey all! I released the source unity code for this guy to the community, and I've updated the rolling demo to the latest build. :D
You'll need Unity 2021 and to download the files off github to load and play with it.
I hope someone can do cool shit with it - I will continue to develop this on my own, but likely at a very slow pace. :D
I built myself a Scimitar-class medium fighter for Wing Leader! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out so far! I'm building it into the game demo now - pretty much just have to get the numbers right to make it really feel like the Centaurian Mud-Pig. It's been updated in the running demo!


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Bit of an update - I added the beginning of a "comms messaging" system that allows ships to have a dialog tree. I also set up projectile impacts to sense if they're smacking against shields or hull, and made different VFX for each. They can also differ per-projectile type. I also added muzzle flashes for all the guns, which is looking pretty cool.
Okay, the Wingleader Strakha is done-ish. Still need to add little decals and markings. I decided to go with 2x Meson and 1x Laser cannon for the gun loadout, just for some variety.
My take was heavily influenced by the concept art of AndroidArts - with some additions from the source and subsequent WC3 version. :D


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Just incredible work. :cool: Awesome to see you continuing on this, and to see it opened up too!

Inspiring stuff - I've experimented with bringing your art into Confederation, with a view to someday/eventually (with your permission!) releasing a mod for it. There's a bunch of script I still have to write to get things fully functional, but man, it looks so good. :D
Just incredible work. :cool: Awesome to see you continuing on this, and to see it opened up too!

Inspiring stuff - I've experimented with bringing your art into Confederation, with a view to someday/eventually (with your permission!) releasing a mod for it. There's a bunch of script I still have to write to get things fully functional, but man, it looks so good. :D
Oh, of course! I wouldn't release it wide without expecting people to *use* it. :D I'm also excited about all the explosion flipbooks I've made - I've got like 20 really solid options, and the game randomly picks one per ship death. :)

In other news, the Strakha is in the game, I'm hooking up the logic for how the AI handles cloaking (when, why, breaking the locks any other ships have on them, making the radar pips invisible, etc) It's pretty funny, right now the Strakha is very much a glass cannon - great for brief ambushes, but miserable in a stand up fight - already that feels *right*. I gotta figure out how to integrate them into the story mode to make sure that there's no record of their existence to support Blair's report.
I also did some soul searching on how I want to handle the differences in the cockpits between the Confederation and Kilrathi - I think the 'Cats won't have Eject lights or Fuel indicators, and will use a Dual-Stick Tank-drive-esque control layout (justified by SWC and Secret missions where the Confed techs had to wire up a fuel gauge.)
On that note, I think I have the flyable roster for the ships - IE The ones I need to build cockpits for.

Confed (Storymode/Multiplayer):
Hornet (first couple of missions, cut down, "jump capable" version, DF missiles only, MP is stock)
Valtar (Firrekan prototype fighter)

Kilrathi (Multiplayer)

Then I'm also planning a bunch of non-playable fighter ships for the story mode, like the Scimitar, Gratha, Hriss, etc.
Anyhow, that's the update!
What are you planning for "story mode?" Are you going to cover the inbetween times after SM2 up through the death of the Tiger's Claw? Or will it be a reboot of the entire first game, up through the death of the TC?
One request in case you ever end up with more time on your hands than you know what to do with in the course of this project: Could you pleeease~ consider making the Gratha playable too? I've always thought it was a huge missed opportunity to not have it be flyable in any of the games - It had such a great gun layout and wasn't made out of papier-mache like the Dralthi!
What are you planning for "story mode?" Are you going to cover the inbetween times after SM2 up through the death of the Tiger's Claw? Or will it be a reboot of the entire first game, up through the death of the TC?
I'm basically thinking of making SM3. The last few missions would be dealing with the aftermath of the 'Claw disaster.

And I hear you! I sorta want to stick to 5 playable ships per side, but if I expand that, the Gratha is on the list!
Oh, to be clear, I meant there's not *indicator light* saying to eject - all the Kilrathi ships will have ejector seats, I just figure they'd think a light urging them to save themselves in combat would be dishonorable. :P
Oh, to be clear, I meant there's not *indicator light* saying to eject - all the Kilrathi ships will have ejector seats, I just figure they'd think a light urging them to save themselves in combat would be dishonorable. :p
Got it.
One thing comes to mind, have you considered the mixed deployment of Confederation and Kilrathi fighters? I mean painting, etc. Not only for Multiplayer mode, but also for possible story scenes from Freedom Flight and Ghorah Khar Revolutionary War.