WC Universe in ONE word...

Please refrain from making quotes from Luc Besson movies outside The Professional or La Femme Nikita while I'm on a board, ok, Zor? :)
Originally posted by LeHah
Please refrain from making quotes from Luc Besson movies outside The Professional or La Femme Nikita while I'm on a board, ok, Zor? :)

Why? The Fifth Element kicks ass!
Uh, sorry you guys, but Princess Mononoke, Way of the Gun and Fight Club could seperately or collectively smash 5th Element to itty bitty Kilrathi chow peices.
I must call...upon...The SpIrIt... Of... VeGeNcE!!! :mad:

[Edited by LeHah on 07-17-2001 at 15:36]
Whoa whoa guys... please don't start debating movies here... I'd like the maximum number of people to answer the original question... WC universe in one word... :)

BTW, I agree with LeHah... :D

[Edited by mpanty on 07-17-2001 at 16:38]
WC in one word: optimus.

The 5th Element was a good film but there's better out there. Ninja Scroll jumps to mind but I've been watching that too much lately.
In one word?
Edit- so noone missunderstands... I meant playing WC is like seeing god. Utter elation and stained boxers. :)

[Edited by Manic on 07-18-2001 at 17:38]
Penguin automaticly wins the match after mentioning one of the finest anime movies ever made.

The way to hell is...RIGHT HERE! :mad: