WC Storyline


I have played WC1, SM1, WC2, and WCSO. I do not have the money to buy further WC games or products - nor do I really have the time to play them, much to my dismay. Is there anywhere available a summary of the WC storyline, so I can catch up on what I've missed in SM2, SO1 and 2, WC3, etc.?

I ask purely out of interest...:D
The novels give a good idea, as does e.g. the official guide to WCP. And of course, the WC3 and Armada manuals have timelines.

Ask and you shall receive. THis is the Timeline / Encyclopedia located here at the CIC. It's only partly done, but you can be sure that it is accurate. It was done by LOAF after all.
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My advice would be to check those websites, and then read the novels. They'll give you a pretty good look, with only a minor difference or two, at what happened-both to Blair, and to people like Bear and Tolwyn.
Wow Phoenix you are true artist... that website looks like a masterpiece... :) Hell of a perfectionist eh?
Originally posted by Soma

I'm with mpanty, the site looks great!! Almost makes me want to pick up an html book again ;)

Take it from someone without a clue, the secret to web design is messing with other peoples work until you figure out how it works... and then starting from scratch. No book ever shot down a... learned HTML.
WC Resources

Hey guys, thanks! BlueClaw and Phoenix's sites were exactly what I was looking for. And Phoenix - hell yeah, that site rocks. Wish I had half the HTML skillz you do...*grin*.

Thanks for the resources.
eh, a nice website is more about being able to design a good layout than markup skills. HTML is easy if you know what you want to build...