WC Ships, 1996 style

But BACK to the topic... I liked the first two ships' looks, and the 3d model was really nice. It's funny how we like inventing ships when we're young and involved in the game's universe. Anyone else would like to contribute?
Edfilho said:
Good riddance!
I mean, there were some nice people there, but we're all better off without certain individuals...

That's what Tolwyn said to the Black Lance!

Hey, I have a fanfiction idea. It involves the renegade crew of the TCS Tiger's Claw and their dashing rebellion against the tyranny of überfuhrer David Bortman and the Strategic Readiness Agency. And there could be space submarines :p
Bob, that was already taken care of way back then. There was a splinter group of the Aces club and the old school crew, which was called the "TCS Tiger's Claw", of which I was a part of. Here we had pulled off pranks, did stuff that you had suggested, did game mods mocking certain idiots in the fan community, and just did overall mischief. One example was the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 in the Aces, that was created by us. And another was the space submarine wavs, it was created by us.