WC Ship reference pics please?


Yep, I'm requesting some more pics for reference:

Kilrathi & Confed WC3 ships and the Waterloo heavy cruiser.

A number of my models died when a portion of my hard drive failed. I've recovered some, but have decided to start from scratch again. I've got a number of references myself, but in game pics would be very helpful.

I'm working on creating backdrops for Call to Glory, so it's 3-d modeling to the rescue!
Thanks again Loaf.

You're the sage whenever it comes to these things. I'm already working on a Confed cruiser (class name is in the air) and will post some WIP pics soon.
If it's the WC3 Confed cruiser then it's Tallahassee-class...

... and you heard it here first: the WC3 Confed destroyer is Southampton-class.
Well, after a few tries it finally came together at the last minute.

Now to start on the engines.


  • confedcruiser1.jpg
    23.1 KB · Views: 155
Hehe, I didn't actually buy those. Chris and I were in Canada a few months ago and we were trying to find a copy with a French manual as a souvenir.
Ah, ok. I hope you found a copy.

We did, though we had to visit three malls and some separate stores to find one. The EB where we took those photos had the Canadian versions, but they'd thrown away the French manuals. Between LOAF and I, we've probably bought a dozen or so copies of Replay by now.
Thrown away the manuals? I am a bit surprised, to say it carefully.

A dozen different copies of EA Replay with the different covers and/or manuals? Or just a dozen EA Replays?
Thrown away the manuals? I am a bit surprised, to say it carefully.

A dozen different copies of EA Replay with the different covers and/or manuals? Or just a dozen EA Replays?

EB Games only puts empty boxes on the shelves - Though they might leave in the manuals - and as such they open all the product and you get the disk when you pay. The canadian EA replays come packaged with the french manual outside the box but in the shrinkwrap. THe english one is in the box. So when they unwrapped them all they just assumed that, since it was a BC store, people were predominantly english speaking an wouldn't want the french manuals anyway.