WC Sega CD and a quick question


Just thought I'd share some of the surprises that I've encountered in Wing Commander Sega CD thus far...

In the manual, specifically the edition of Claw Marks, there is a section talking about the Austin and has bios for Jazz and Doomsday. It lists them with their WC 2 ages and ranks. I haven't beaten the Venice System yet...took a little break from playing it, so I don't know if this version has either of the Secret Missions.

Also, I was wondering if this ever happend to anyone else. On the third mission in the McAuliffe System, when you escort the Drayman, I had something frustrating...yet funny happen. After I took care of the Krants that were attacking the Drayman, I went to autopilot back to the Tiger's Claw. As soon as it started the " cinema " of the autopilot, my Scimitar ran full speed into the Drayman...followed shortly by Paladin's. Both of our ships spun in place for a few seconds. ( as long as the autopilot scene usually takes. ) As soon as it ended, I was back in the cockpit, in Bhurak's face, just in time to see the death scene.

In addition, right as I played the last mission in the Dakota System, I was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. I had exactly 70 kills after that mission. Now, I have never been promoted to Lt. Col. in Kilrathi Saga until I started the Secret Missions.

Lastly, I started thinking about something from WC4. The scene where Blair talks to Tolwyn in the Intrepid's cargo hold, Tolwyn says that " we weren't officially at war with the Kilrathi either, but there were two sides. " What did he mean about not being offically at war? Everything I had seen and read pretty much says there was a war between them.

Any thoughts?
In the manual, specifically the edition of Claw Marks, there is a section talking about the Austin and has bios for Jazz and Doomsday. It lists them with their WC 2 ages and ranks. I haven't beaten the Venice System yet...took a little break from playing it, so I don't know if this version has either of the Secret Missions.

I haven't played all the way through the SegaCD port in several years, but I do believe it has all the Secret Missions... and the press copy I have here about it claims it has 72 missions (40+16+16). Jazz and Doomsday don't have WC2 ages -- you're looking at the original source for their bios. They also appear in the Super Wing Commander versions of Claw Marks, and then they got zinced into the WC2 section of the Kilrathi Saga manual (as WC2 didn't have much flavor text).

In addition, right as I played the last mission in the Dakota System, I was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. I had exactly 70 kills after that mission. Now, I have never been promoted to Lt. Col. in Kilrathi Saga until I started the Secret Missions.

It's impossible to make Lt. Col. in the 'main' game of the PC versions.

Lastly, I started thinking about something from WC4. The scene where Blair talks to Tolwyn in the Intrepid's cargo hold, Tolwyn says that " we weren't officially at war with the Kilrathi either, but there were two sides. " What did he mean about not being offically at war? Everything I had seen and read pretty much says there was a war between them.

Yeah, there was a lot of question about this at the time. The consensus is that even though Confed *declared* war (several times), that there was no actual diplomatic structure in place that allowed the Kilrathi to accept such a declaration in the traditional manner. No embassies and ambassadors and whatnot.
In the copy of the manual I have, Jazz and Doomsday have bios just like the rest of the pilots, just not in the same section. It does list their ages as 32 and 34 respectively, as well as Jazz having the rank of major, and Doomsday as captain. I also have KS, and I know there is a section in the WC2 section of the manual that has almost the exact same content...but the copy of Claw Marks in the Sega CD manual goes into a bit more detail. I'll see if I can get those pages scanned and show you what I am talking about.
I have the manual -- what I'm trying to say is that these entries aren't from WC2 to start out with. The ages (32 and 34) were made up for Sega CD WC1 and Super Wing Commander.
*makes grasping claw gesture* I see. I was just confused with the KS WC2 stuff in a WC1 game manual. Sorry I didn't catch on to what you were trying to convey.

Thank you for once again answering some questions that rattle around in what I like to call my brain.

You sir, rock.