WC Reminders


Rear Admiral

Has anyone read a book called Quicksilver by Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens?

It's not WC, but it is about Terrorists taking over the Pentagon. One of the characters mentioned in the book is an Admiral Hugh Paulsen and everytime I read it, I can't help but think of WC4.

Is there anything you read or do that reminds you of WC in your life - besides visiting here and playing the games?

Heh, I saw the [very bad] movie 'Behind Enemy Lines', and I was figuring out where I knew one of the actors from, and suddenly I remembered: it was Hawk from WC4/WCP! YAY!

Alright, you WONT believe this, I actually saw Blair in this other WC like thingie, with him flying some weird ship, but it ACTUALLY WASN'T WC!! IT was some wacky-thing called 'Star wars' or something. No-one's probably heard of that :rolleyes:
I've watched several below-par movies just because they had WC actors in them, but generally speaking, I don't need WC reminders in real life - I've got UE :p.
Originally posted by -<Stiletto>-
Alright, you WONT believe this, I actually saw Blair in this other WC like thingie, with him flying some weird ship, but it ACTUALLY WASN'T WC!! IT was some wacky-thing called 'Star wars' or something. No-one's probably heard of that :rolleyes:

:confused: Star.... Wars? :confused: