WC: Prophecy Movies crashes during FMV sequences, Have XP .. help please..


Hey Guys,

The Prophecy movies run way to fast...

Now I remember having a similiar problem a while back with my old comp, and all I did was put my hardware acceleration to emulation only, and it fixed the problem ...

However, when I try the same thing now, the game crashes once the first scene of a FMV sequence loads up ...

I have XP, could be that be the problem? and if it is, is there anyway around it ?

thanks, and hopefully I can hear from some people soon ...

Had something similar on my cousin's laptop. Have you tried setting the executable's compatibility to Windows 95? That seems to be the most common solution.
I think tha Compatimpility with Win95 crushes the game from the begining.Thats whats happens to me :(
Thanks for the response..

The good news is that when I switch the compatibility to windows 95, the games doesn't crash now during the FMV sequences (That is after I put my hardware acceleration to emulation only..)

However, something that it does now, but never did before was that the movie skips and stutters while it's playing...

Gonna try some of the options it says in the Readme, but I doubt it will help, ohh well it was worth a try :) ...

but thanks anyway ...

What do you mean "hardware acceleration to emulation"? AFAIK, only sound acceleration needs to be reduced or switched off to avoid stuttering FMV in WCP in most cases.

When I say Hardware Acceleration, I mean the Accelartion of my Sound Card...

(That is what it says in the options, under Audio, Performance, Hardware Acceleration is the title name, not Sound Acceleration, but what your referring to is the same thing as Hardware acceleration... )

That may sound a little confusing, but I'm sure you know I mean, hehe ...

By putting the Hardware (Sound) Acceleration to None, in otherwords, emulation only, should prevent the stuttering and skiping of the FMV sequences, that I do know, as I said before I had this problem before, and that's what I did to fix the problem with my old computer...

But now with my new computer, even with emulation only, the movie still stutters and skips a bit.. Which is my problem hopefully I can figure something out with it tonight or something, but who knows... Anyway, thought I'd clarify that ... But if you have other suggestions besides the Sound Acceleration, by all means, please let me know, hehe ...


Thats whats happening to me,with no win95 compatimpilty and emulation to no accelaration.By setting the compatimpility on,the game crushes!

I think you mean the game crashes. ;)

mp84, I thought most people used the DirectX diagnostics to fiddle with their acceleration settings. And I never heard of "No acceleration" being referred to as "emulation" before.