WC: Privateer (1) partition/disk/xp/elvis/toothfairy

Even with the speech pack installed the disk version is not transformed inot the CD version. All out of space speak will still be text only (but in exchange you get your name displayed in there). IIRC also the contrabant search is always text only.
Killerkatze, get the CD Priv on ebay. Makes things easier, costs 5 bucks, you get speech, you get Righteous Fire, and if it doesn't work you have a shiny coaster to impress your guests.
Runs perfect for me on a 1.4Ghz Centrino Notebook, with DosBox 0.62 and D-Fend as frontend (I'm lazy, I know). The trick to get it working was to set EMS=no and Soundcard IRQ to 5 (default in Dosbox is 7). But most of those tweaking innuendoes are already discussed in the DosBox Notes for WC:p - http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/comp_list.php?showID=1301&letter=W
it would be the 4th privateer cdrom i would buy... 1 was stolen (from ma home), 1 simply lost and 1 lent to a friend (i forgot who, and of course everyone denies to have it... so this time i run the ORIGINAL 1,4´´ disk ver from 1993... has its merits, anyway. Thx again 4 your hints and cu!