WC mod for X3?


Sorry but I dont have the time to look through the entire board here of even the X3 boards but, does anyone know of any type of WC mod for X3?

I've read a bit on there boards about several mod's but I was wondering when and if someone had done one yet for X3. Personaly I'd love to see a Privateer style mod, but the game itself has so many options you could actualy create the entire WC universe in this. I could already see it you get to choose how you start like in X3 you pick your difficulty for the main storyline or you can choose other storylines. Like you can pick to play WC1 timeline to WC5 (Prophecy) and even Privateer's 1 and 2. Hell merge the 2 universes together. The possibility's are not endless but bountifull.

I know it would be alot of work be hey it would be cool. and if someone already did it even cooler.