WC games I've played

How dare you question Earthworms posts?! Earthworm is never wrong, never...........

No, it's true, there are some Rapiers though I don't remember if they're the last ones remaining from that ship.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
Like I said, I think there's three of them, but it's been a long time since I played WC1. Trying to destroy them was a real bi***. I had to take out the 5 or so Dralthi first, and by then I had only one missile left, and 2 guns.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
Only three? That's not too bad. If the Dralthis aren't in the same wave it is very doable. Rapiers aren't so tuff, they are limited by the neutron guns high energy demands and limited range. You just have to keep from being missiled to death.
Well, I can see you never played that mission.
The Dralthis and Rapiers are in the same wave, and the Rapiers are very tough to beat when you're in a Dralthi.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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Death's Head said:
Just because I don't remember they are in the same wave has nothing to do wit having played it or not WCSM1 came out a LONG time ago.

What about the fact that you didn't remember it had those Rapiers?
Anyhow, it's time to replay WC1, Death's head.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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Yes, that mission is very memorable because it's the only mission in WC 1 where you fight two types of fighters at the same time. And the only reason why it's actually possible is because you are flying the Dralthi at the time... well, actually it would also be possible if you were flying a Rapier

Earthworm: I did even less
. I went around the Hhriss, I took out the two Snakeir, and I ran home
. I think I killed all but one of the Jalthi, too (so as to get some kills, but not trigger the next wave
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He he, I went around the Hhriss, took out three of the Jalthis and one of the Snakiers and than run. And I didn't feel like a coward either. I completed my mission, and I won't do Confed any good if I'm dead now am I.
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. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour
. But you really should've taken out the other Snakeir, since WC 1 capships are so easy.

Still, any mission flown in a Dralthi is really just about survival, n'est ce pas?
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Yeah man!
Some missions on wc1 are really hard. I just remind on the Ralari-Defend-Mission.
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The "Save the Ralari", IMHO, is the hardest mission in all WCs. Hardest to complete, that is. It's actually very easy to survive... I just wish the Ralari found it easy to survive too
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Quarto: For me, that was only the second hardest mission. The hardest one was the Defend and Escort the cruiser mission. Although there weren't many enemy fighters around you had so little time to kill them before the cruiser goes booom!
It took me about two months to finish it and even then I only got lucky because Angel was able to knock down one of the Jalthis with a lucky punch!

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space
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Defend the... defend the... hmm... oh, that one. You mean defend the Exeter class Destroyer, I guess. Yes, I think I vaguely recall that mission. But it wasn't all that complicated - Jalthi are easy to eliminate. Mind you, at this stage about all I remember about that mission was that it took place
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Exeter mission was a cinch-here's why:
The jalthi are slow-320 kps or so, and they start off a ways from the deystroyer, and you are in a somewhat fast ship, with good guns and missiles.

Order Angel to attack one the engage the other two. Use your missiles and there should be no problem. Stay behind them if you are worried about Angel's 33 percent survival noise.

The Ralari is tough because the Grathas guns fire very rapidly and they use missiles. You are also outnumbered 5 or 6 to 2. The key is to use your missiles-save them for the Grathas and make your dumbfires hit them in the ass while your guns make them explode after their sheilds are down.

There's only one thing more accurate than incoming fire-friendly fire
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Actualy there are only four Gratha in the Save the Ralari, against three Rapiers.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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Quarto/DH: Sorry for the cruiser/destroyer mixup. It has been a while since I played that mission.

I think this mission was so difficult for me to complete because IMO it was one of the few missions in which the Kats actually worked as a team (wingman/wing leader). While one of them waited for the torpedo to lock the other one covered his six, so you had to get a bid suicidal to move in between those two!

I finally managed to complete the mission by afterburning right in the middle of them, knocking down the shields of the first one with my guns and before firing a missile to finish him off I used my Porcupine mine to keep the other one away from my rear end.

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space
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Whoa... you actually used a Porcupine? Cool
. I never really found those all that useful. I tried dropping one right in front of a moving capital ship, but I didn't notice any results.

Oh, and the Kilrathi always worked in pairs in WC1. In the mission structure, they were paired off - there was always a wingleader with a set objective, and a wingm... wingcat whose mission it was to protect the wingleader. You might in fact notice that when you first see a pack of four Kilrathi or more, they will break off into twos and threes.
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