WC Fans With SETI@home Work Together (June 18, 1999)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Now that school's over for the summer, I was able to put together the first of one of our new sections. We're aware that a number of CIC visitors are also users of the SETI@home program. If you're unfamiliar with it, it allows individuals to aid in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence by crunching satellite data on their own computers. The SETI@home coordinators have recently added the capability for users to group together and work in "teams." There's no tangible benefit to joining a group, but it'd be fun if WC fans were recognized in this way. For more information on SETI and to join the new wcnews group, check out our new SETI@home section here.

Original update published on June 18, 1999
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