WC Collection

Have you guys been happy with Cafe Press at all? The only reason the original batch of CIC shirts were so expensive was because they had six(?) impressions. The first batch of shirts only had about two dozen as well for $20 each including shipping. If we simplified things and had a larger order this time we could probably get a better price, and request custom shirt types (hoodies, golf-shirts, etc, etc).

The Embroidered logo would still be sweet... what about embroidered baseball caps?
I heard about a guy who build a MW MadCat in his backyard out of cardboard or something. Anyone here trying to make their very own Arrow or Dragon?
I don't think we're really serious about CafePress - we just sell whatever Hadrian put up there before time began.

(That impressive Mech aside, there's an entire portion of flight sim fandom dedicated to recreating aircraft cockpits around home computers... it's neat stuff that I'd try had I the space or the skills to build a Privateer cockpit.)
LeHah said:
And I still say we make a bunch of red T-shirts with "TCS Midway" across the front in black stencil. But I don't think EA Legal would like that.

I'm quite sure they wouldn't care.

overmortal said:
I suppose we could make up our own carrier name and have a shirt of it . . . kinda like the official CIC mascot carrier . . . or, I might just be an idiot.

We already did that. It's the TCS Eisen.

Jibbo said:
If enough people are interested, I would be willing to organize another batch of t-shirts. Anyone else can for that matter, but I can put in the time. Organize a design contest maybe, or just stick with what we had before.

Hey Jibbo, I have lots of such projects in various states.. Just don't have time to finish them. You should talk to me on irc sometime.
TopGun said:
My WC Collection beggan in 1994, when I got WC on the Amiga (Disks now dead), then I got WC III and IV on the PSX in 1998, and then WC I, II and Prophecy on the PC in 1999
Hmmm... Brings back memories.

I started my collection with WC3 contained in the same Origin "Action Pack" (or whatever it was called) that is pictured in the collexion. I then went on to get the other games. I have 2 each of WC3 and WC2 Deluxe. Only one I'm missing is the WC: KS that I twice had a chance to buy in the late 90's, and yet didn't (bought/returned the first one cuz it it wouldn't run in my PC--didn't have W95 yet).

::kicks self repeatedly::
First WC games I got was Privateer and Armada which came in a game pack my dad got with our first PC (we had been exculsively macs for years) a gateway 2000 (when it was still called that) after those games I was hooked and bought every WC thing I could get my hands on.
Hmmm... that George Washington needs to have only one image on the side... or maybe just plaster a really big one across the top.

And it needs to be ported into Saga: BGS.
Early on WC games were expensive imports due to high taxes and shipping costs, so I prized them a lot.

It's a modest collection, really, mostly the games in the boxed version The only special items are the Kilrathi Saga and the WCIV DVD.

I think a rare brazilian WC4 version with portuguese subtitles was released by EA Brasil, that should be an interesting addition.
Check this out. I just picked up WC III for a dollar yes a dollar. Ebay rocks! The whole WC collection is up for grabs right now. Check it out!