WC:CD "Fan Input"


Vice Admiral
I'm looking to put together a few ideas for this project...This is an open forum...The mod is based on post Secret Ops information, Including plenty of Info from cancelled projects but also based much on S*S arena info.

Now what I'm looking for here is information of what "YOU" the fans of WC would "LIKE" to see in the mod...and what you would "NOT" like to see....Kinda like a wish a list...and I'll see what I can do...I'm open to anything except truly ludicrous ideas. Think of projects like Standoff, Unknown Enemy, things you liked...things you didn't like...I'll elaborate as we go, on what I'd also like in the project, where I'd like it to go, and you can comment. :)

So fire away and we'll hit some tail together as fans of a great franchise !
I can only speak for myself, but whatever you do, if its Kilrathi i'm interested. New ships, old ships, own designs, maybe a base or two.
Well, here's the thing. I've been watching your threads in the Editing Forum for quite a while... and I haven't the slightest idea what you're doing. The designs you post are usually (I don't love all of them, but who cares? :) ) very neat... but what are they for?

What I mean is, looking through the CIC's news archives, I find three pages' worth of updates about Collateral Damage. Lots of impressive screenshots, showing that not only you know what you're aiming for, but also, you have the technical skills to make whatever models you need and import them into WCP. But about the only thing I've found about the project as a whole is a vague note about it bridging the gap between Secret Ops and Arena. That's really not much info to go on, especially given the sheer diversity of ships you've posted (there's Confed, Kilrathi, Nephilim, Border Worlds and even Firekkan ships!). Right now, I'm finding it hard to imagine how exactly all these ships come together into a single story (...but then again, I don't even know if you're planning on having a story - maybe this is a multiplayer mod you're planning?).

So, my fan input would be a suggestion that you make a website, and put up some information about your project in general. Do you have a particular story planned? Write us a blurb for it. Don't have a story planned yet? That's ok too, at least write some basic background info. And don't worry if the info you write is still subject to change - putting it on a website doesn't mean it's set in stone forever :). At this point, seeing all this work you've done, I'd love to be able to support you at least by offering handy advice on what to do and what's a bad idea, but it's hard to offer any advice when I don't know what it is you're doing.
I think that the Kilrathi working together with Con Fed is a good idea but Prophecy did that when the cult of silvar help the midway fight that nephilim so if you do that I would like to see a large scale battle group something like UE did when you got that Fralthi on your side. Also fling in a Kilrathi fighter or two would be fun but as for the story if your fighting the Nephilim how did they get were ever you fighting them is one thing I think should at lest be said some were in the game. Maybe just say that they intel says they opened a new wormhole gate and that’s all and the rest of the game be your task force working on clean out a group of systems. But the biggest thing for me is that it’s a long game if it can be done something that even if you do great and get the good ending it will take a good long time to end something like red point was say it was going for 64 missions.
As far as the story is concerned...I have that pretty much mapped out, But your right. A website needs to be done and a few blurbs here and there are needed for where the story will be going.

As far as gameplay is concerned. Your a "Pilot" on board the Coral Sea (Midway class ship). I'm going to have a fairly in depth intro as far as bridging the gap so to speak. We come to a time when Confed has there hands full with 4 different Wormholes that are open,

Premise: The Coral Sea (CVX-4) had been dispatched to the gemini sector where one of the Midway class ships (The Mistral Sea CVX-2) has been destroyed trying to defend the sector....The Coral Sea was able to escape a Kraken squadron, with the help of the Midway and her escorts. But was badly damaged and had to be dry docked (If there is such a thing in space) Bwahaha. Anyways your charecter (Previously part of the Border Worlds Militia for a short time until he met a high ranking Confed officer...."Dancing with the stars", while fleeing a Nephilim encroachment) was supposed to be stationed on the Corel Sea but due to her being repaired at the moment, you have been stationed on the TCS Sampson (An Updated Sheffield Class Destroyer) with a few other notables, One of the Coral Sea group escorts. She's a fine ship with a list of Successful Nephilim engagements. You will serve on the Sampson until repairs and updates to the Coral Sea have been finished. And by the way, Good luck pilot I hear the Sampson is going to be stationed in Torgo with the Tafanda Bay (CVX-3) force for the time being. They've been holding there ground but are in desperate need of reinforcements and supplies.

That's a fairly short intro on where you'll start. Also the Kilrathi ships will be aiding in the war. On a few large scale engagements. There is a few Nephilim ships which I chose to exclude from the mod (Ray, Raynodes) I like the idea of the ship but I had to axe 2 ships and those just happened to be it. They've been replaced with 2 other ship classes (Puffer, & Thresher).
Well, here's the thing. I've been watching your threads in the Editing Forum for quite a while... and I haven't the slightest idea what you're doing. The designs you post are usually (I don't love all of them, but who cares? :) ) very neat... but what are they for?

...........At this point, seeing all this work you've done, I'd love to be able to support you at least by offering handy advice on what to do and what's a bad idea, but it's hard to offer any advice when I don't know what it is you're doing.

I'm at the moment buttoning up key points for a story board where I reference alot of Priv online and WC online info) I'll send it over to you to see what you think it's like 10 pages long....It shows certain key points on where the story is going to go...The mission development will soon follow. As far as win scenarios, lose scenarios. I would like to say after playing the last episode of Standoff I really like the direction that the mod took. It did feel epic. And I loved the gameplay as a fast paced enviroment, where you were doing really multiple things at once from defending your wingmen to shooting down as many ships as possible so your wing could get some torps off. Also I love who's idea it was to include a few certain WC infamous charecters in the BOT :)

BTW my 1000th POST ! ! ! YAHOOOOO! ! ! :)~
That's good background info, but what would also help is an understanding of what the key features and framework of the game are. It sounds like a mission-based/story-driven mod like Standoff or UE, is that right? Like Quarto mentioned, it could also be multiplayer focused or a Priv-style free-form game. Clarification on this type of stuff would help people provide better input for what they'd like to see.
Yea It's a story/mission drivin MOD, similar to Standoff or UE, In the vision engine...Or really even similar the original Prophecy game (Minus Live actors).

If possible I would love to make it a multi-player game or even have that as an added feature, that would make it that much more awesome and people love multi-player games, But I'm not even sure on where to start I mean making models and stuff like that isn't really the problem it's the interface and how well it would perform for the multi-player enviroment .... But what's not more fun then blowin the bits outta your friends !

I can imagine making a series of multiplayer areas.... Like Carrier engagements, Free For All, or even Transport escort where one team defends and one team is the attacker...Maybe even picking different races (Terran, Kilrathi, Nephilim, etc....), I think that would be really cool but....My question is how....and how well would it perform?

I could always make the charecter Privateer esq; where he may be stationed on a confed ship but is part of a highered mercenary team. And make charecters around that team. Which wouldn't be too far off from Arena. We see alot of confed pilots are now mercenaries. That's not a bad idea and I kind of dig it...
I was even thinking to keep it semi vintage...To have talking heads! That would be wild....I mean 3d modeling is great for charecters and stuff but it's just not that hard to make talking heads and it's easy in photoshop. Plus there's a million references... for diff charecters, etc..etc..
Your models are fantastic. So come up with a story line, make the missions, and let us play. Let's not get carried away with multiplayer.
I can imagine making a series of multiplayer areas.... Like Carrier engagements, Free For All, or even Transport escort where one team defends and one team is the attacker...Maybe even picking different races (Terran, Kilrathi, Nephilim, etc....), I think that would be really cool but....My question is how....and how well would it perform?

Is that even possible in the Vision engine? Both Standoff and the Prophecy multiplayer upgrade are independent hacks, And I believe the MP patch would be incompatible with even SO, let alone UE or standoff.
Multiplayer is potentially something that can be added in the future. It's actually fairly far off from my mind at the moment

Mace: I think that it would be possible in the vision engine, I mean the "Independent Hack" of the multiplayer works for Prophecy. So it wouldn't be a totally hard thing to make it, if the foundation is there for it.

Eddie: Thank you, I've come up with a story line, charecters, plot line, etc.... I just haven't posted too much information on that. A website is in the works, at the moment where I post up much more information on the said information. So that people aren't totally left in the dark.
But thank you on the models... That has oddly enough been the longest process for me. Was making the models that I wanted...In the mod...That's still not even over... But I've gotten better at doing the models.
I'm getting wrapped up with the website. So you guys will know much more about characters, the storyline, a little bit of back story for the characters, I revamped this section of the fiction and have made a pretty good backdrop of some things to come....It involves confed hiring out for help.... Hopefully a majority of you will like the backdropped storyline...
my wishlist:

i liked the idea to join forces with the kilrathi in wcp. unfortunately the alliance was, well.. not pretty lovely staged.

so how about a stronger alliance between kilrathi and terrans? I could imagine kilrathi wingman, kilrathi characters with a personality etc. or flying in a battlegroup which is mixed in terrans and kilrathi and/or firekkans (since you made a firekkan ship).

another cool idea would be a pilot exchange between kilrathi and terrans, for instance " the kilrathi loose in some point of the game a lot of pilots, so therefore terran pilots must be transfered to kilrathi carriers etc."

i know all this sounds a bit epic.. ;)
I am in love with the idea of "Kilrathi Wingmen" and Kilrathi Characters.....I also agree that the Kilrathi in Prophecy should have been fleshed out much more than it was....I'm including Kilrathi Transports, "Relaxath" Heavy Destroyers, And updated looking Kilrathi Corvette, and a few familiar fighters, Darket, Paktahn, Dralthi "Striker", Dralthi IV, Vaktoth, and a newer Darteck fighter.

As for the Firekkan's We will see them in Firekkan areas of space but it's a very limited space....I'm designing actually a Firekkan Medium Fighter that has a bomber loadout also. The First Firekkan Ship that can be found here

& here

I've dubbed this light fighter varient
"Valtar" & the Forthcoming Medium Fighter/Bomber will be named "Helbraus" Both from the Privateer Online that never was. Also a Firekkan Transport is on it's way that is dubbed "Warrax" .....There is definitely big things coming....it's all just time consuming ;)
the idea of keeping the firekkans very limited is a good one, since this game should focus on the main plot/conflict and therefore should not loose itself in details and sideplots. however the firekkans are a nice gimmick :)

do you have a possible release date already? :D
Originally When I was designing the Valtar I had waaaay too many not just similarties but (exacts) to the Raven's Claw model, sometimes it's just the creative process. But as I went on I started to steer away from that model and I started trying to get it more similar to one of the proposed "Wing Commander Online - Border World" Ships...That I thought would be more appropriate to mimic. The shot on the left is then "FINAL" model of the Valtar and on the right is one of the Could should but never was in the Wing Commander world that I used in the creative process. :D

Also a release date is Unknown at the moment :(


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Also Here's a list of Capships that will be, will not be, and perhaps a maybe, in the Mod.....

TCS Midway CVX-1 "Updated Textures" (Seen Briefly, Once or Twice in the mod)
TCS Corel Sea CVX-4
Relaxath Heavy Destroyers
Sha' Kar Class Transports
Kamrani Corvettes
TCS Sampson (Updated Southampton Destroyer)
Unfortunately No Indomitable or Kiranka BattleCruisers :( Unless someone would like to model one....