WC:CD "Dreadnought" Name Vote!!

What to name the CVS-66 ".........."

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  • Poll closed .


Vice Admiral
Alright to view the original posting and to see where the ship has been going, for your viewing pleasure you can check here.


As stated in the post the ship designation (unless already taken) will be CVS-66. But since I'm not good with naming things. You as part of the WC Community can help, by submitting a vote. I have included 6 different names which are ship names of past ships in non-WC continuity. So with that being said let the votes pour in!!! I will have this poll open until the 21st of March so that gives roughly 2 weeks to vote and make a decision. Below are hi res screenshots which should help in showing the design off. Also for this vote you can vote for multiple ships too so vote away guys n gals!!! :)


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What about naming it after one of the half-battleship/carriers built by the British or Japanese?

CVS-Ise or the like?
Hmm interesting like an Iwojima or Battle Royale or somethin right I'm just making the battle royale thing up but... Yea these were just names I saw on a list somewhere's but definately I'll post up some other names without the poll. i guess
Hmm interesting like an Iwojima or Battle Royale or somethin right I'm just making the battle royale thing up but... Yea these were just names I saw on a list somewhere's but definately I'll post up some other names without the poll. i guess

I was thinking more of the Ise, Furious, etc. During the war the Japanese converted 2 Battleships to half-carriers by installing a flight deck on the rear. Just thought it might be nice to pay homage to those kind of vessels because this is sort of the same thing.
Dreadnought Naming.

Feel free to shoot me here, but, I was thinking maybe something like "Pegasus" afterall, a Dreadnought has an identical role to a Battlestar i.e. Battleship & Carrier
oops forgot the pictures


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Check out the new Screenshost I posted for size comparisions... it's roughly a little larger than the Midway Class. As far as the naming those are great ideas but let's try to just keep to the 10 I provided in the poll. I mean unless there should be another poll started. But that would just be a pain to do... plus I wouldn't be able to delete this poll that has started but if anyone wants those names I guess just post em up as an option I guess and see how many people vote on it.....if there are tallies they will also be added up on March 21st just post up and say Pegasus and we'll tally that after the poll closes
Well, I voted for Arlington (as I'm sure you can tell) and I'd like to take a moment to explain why.

The greatest ships in the WC Universe always seem to have the best names, like Mjollnir, and Lexington, and the Tarawa. These aren't names like "Vanguard" or "Titan" or "Alliance" or "Constitution" that refer to something, they are names that deeply rooted and connected in human history.

Oh sure, Titan has a nice ring to it with the Titans of ancient Greek, but it also means "large" and that's just the kind of fanboy name I think should be avoided. Constituition, likewise, I think goes back to such a small part of human history it's barely worth remembering.

This is (I'm assuming) going to follow in Jason's mod to be the class name for a new set of dreadnoughts. I like the choice of Arlington, because it's awkward and odd, just like Mjollnir, but it carries with it a sense of power and awe.

Likewise, Arlington is something not restricted to the United States, it's the Valhalla type atmosphere of the US Military, but Valhalla is something every nation and religon seems to have represented in one way or another.

The name too is very bleak, it's a dark name - and I think that fits the Nephilim war well, because it was a very dark time too.
Here's a few more... (Changed Turrets) and added a few


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The greatest ships in the WC Universe always seem to have the best names, like Mjollnir, and Lexington, and the Tarawa. These aren't names like "Vanguard" or "Titan" or "Alliance" or "Constitution" that refer to something, they are names that deeply rooted and connected in human history.

Ehh, that's a claim that can be disproven with one word -- Concordia. :)

I don't think CVS-66 is an especially great choice, since it suggests that Confed hasn't built any dreadnaughts since the Concordia in Wing Commander II (CVS-65.)
Not to mention something like "Constitution" is more rooted in history than, say, character names taken from American folk tales (like the Ventures in the first part of End Run... :p
I voted for Vanguard. It seemed the only name that had anything remotely to do with Wing Commander.

Instead of all those little turrets, could you try adding broadside batteries, in the fashion of the Arena battlecruisers or perhaps casemate-type pre-dreadnoughts? (look up any battleship built before about 1905 to get what I mean).

Death said:
Not to mention something like "Constitution" is more rooted in history than, say, character names taken from American folk tales (like the Ventures in the first part of End Run... :p

I'm still not entirely sure who Johnny Greene is supposed to be.
Well to be honest I was trying to steer away from WC Universe type names. But I know what you mean. That is an interesting idea using the Arena type batteries (I was just trying to make it easier on myself by using the SO ones.) But it can be done.
I voted for Olympus simply because its shape an look sort of remind me of the Vesuvius, and the mountain\volcano theme sort of stuck in my mind.
I voted for Olympus simply because its shape an look sort of remind me of the Vesuvius, and the mountain\volcano theme sort of stuck in my mind.

I would avoid naming a ship Olympus - the last TCS Olympus didn't exactly serve with honor (Similarly, Vanguard has been used before... which is something to at least think about.)

I'm still not entirely sure who Johnny Greene is supposed to be.

I don't think this is so much a historical reference as it is a fantasy novelist thing; "Johnny Greene" is someone Anne McCaffrey includes in all of her novels.
Alright listen....To anyone who posts on this thread...please pretty pretty please if there's any design thoughts or additions to make....Let them be known so that I can make them. But keep in mind. I'm no Howie Day, K :)