WC books sighted! Any fans in Portland?


Hey guys,

I was in Powell's Bookstore today (11th an d Couch, downtown Portland, OR) and I saw several (mostly used - say, seven or so) copies of Freedom Flight, one copy of Fleet Action, about five copies of the WC4 novelization (Price of Freedom, I suppose) as well as one or two copies of the WC Movie novelization and a WC-movie universe book, the title of which I forget.

Anyway, I just thought that since some of these books are kind of rare, I'd give you all a heads-up. I can't go back and pick them up to ship out, however, since I'm now about three hours drive away from Portland, and I'll be about three days drive away pretty soon ;)

They don't have False Colors, since I snagged the last copy. :D
Alas, no copies of End Run, either. Since mine went missing, I'm very annoyed. :\