WC Arena Play Dates


Petty Officer
So, it doesn't look like anyone really plays Arena, but I just got it, dammit, and I wanna play! So, this thread is just for that. Whenever you're on (or gonna be on) Arena, you can post it to this thread, and all the wingnuts out there can join in, and maybe...just maybe....
Me? It's 10:05 Pacific Time, Sept. 10th. I'm there right now. So, step into the Danger Zone, and prepare to have your ass handed to you braised, with a light curry sauce for just a bit of spicy! BLAM! That' right, I'll talk shit if that'll get some people on Arena! Don't like it? Come log on Arena RIGHT NOW and do something about it...!! See ya there! :)
Hi mate.

Would love to play but I'm in Australia so getting timings right for games has been an issue, but I'd love to play a bit too!
Hey man, add me on Xbox Live with the user name I have here. I'd be happy to play some Arena with you later today when I'm out of work.
I'd buy Arena if I was assured of people to play with.

Well, this is the community for it! Things are a little brisk with everything going on with RSI these days but we should definitely set-up Arena playing dates.
I'm spending most of my time online on XBL playing Dogfight:1942 and Double Dragon Neon now, but a few matches of arena never hurt anyone. Feel free to add me: Mace 1976 .
If we can set up an actual playdate with tons of people instead of just 2-3, I'd love to be in on this.
Yes, I'd love to. Spread the word!! I'll be on tomorrow. I use my stepson's username: TwoDollarsOnly. Should be on tomorrow night (Friday the 14th) around 8:30 or so , Pacific Time. To LeHah and Mace; you're on the list, whatever that means...:)
So, in the interest of setting a big group play for Arena, what about Sunday the 16th (that's tomorrow) at around 6:00 or so PDT? I don't know what time zone you're in, but if we could get a dozen or more people in on this, that'd be sweet
So, it doesn't look like anyone really plays Arena, but I just got it, dammit, and I wanna play! So, this thread is just for that. Whenever you're on (or gonna be on) Arena, you can post it to this thread, and all the wingnuts out there can join in, and maybe...just maybe....

Hey I am actually on playing right now. Trying to get to the head of the Leader Boards since no one is playing. The time is 2:07 am central standard time. I will be on tomorrow as well, send me a LIVE friend request if you wanna play. Actually this is the reason i just joined this board again cause I am tired of playing by myself, I would really like to vaporize other players.
I'd buy Arena if I was assured of people to play with.
I only got an Xbox last year, so I never bought the thing.

Heh, other way around for me - I bought Arena even though I didn't have an xbox, I just wanted to send EA a message that if they released new Wing Commander material, I would buy it.*


Best way I've ever wasted money.

*Although my girlfriend nearly had my damn head off.
As usual I will be on tonight trying to get the high score on the Gauntlet. (since I moved up to number 13; woop, woop) I was only a few waves from taking that top spot, it will be mine (maniacal laugh). Anyway I live central standard time zone if anyone is worrying about a time issue. Gamertag: FracturedHail. shoot me a friend request and we will get started.
I have a wierd play schedule (typically either really late or the odd weekend).... Basically keep letting us know when you plan to be on and I can see about joining your match
I appreciate all the feedback guys. That is what I like about our community is that everyone is not an a-hole and has that rare human trait of being nice and helpful. I will post a thread either later tonight or tomorrow after I look over my schedule.
Hey Doppler, I saw your message about a section of the forum for this. I think it's probably fine to keep updating this thread with your play schedule, or, you can use the dedicated Arena forum if you'd like. I don't think we have it linked from the index at the moment, but it still exists at https://www.wcnews.com/chatzone/forums/wing-commander-arena.14/
New posts/threads should show up in the "What's New?" search and on the front page forum tracker.
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