WC:A episode . . .


I downloaded all the WC:A episodes and burned them a few months back and I'm curious. I've slowly been watching them agian and again and I seem to remember from their run on the USA network a scene in which Blair earns the Wing Commander "wings" or medal and then heaves them out a forcefield. I was wondering which episode this was, considering I still haven't seen it and I've watched each one (even the hoky "Micheal Dorn as an alien" one [Recreation] ) at least twice. Did I imagine the scene or have I just been falling asleep?

There's actually a reason behind Michael Dorn being an alien on WCA. Each show on USA that day had him pass through.. (Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter and Savage Dragon), albeit with a slightly different backstory each time.

(Amazingly, the one show that didn't really focus on him was Mortal Kombat -- there was just a brief shot of him in the last scene of the episode...).

On its own I kind of like recreation -- it's kind of like an original Star Trek episode.
ahh yes...
one of those prime directive dilema episodes?
maybe I should go watch TOS before saying anything.
it's the last episode, and he throws the wings because tolwyn was willing to sacrifice himself and cadet Pos? Pas?
Originally posted by WildWeasel
You're both too lazy to check the Academy section of the CIC?

"Glory of Sivar" is the title of that episode.

Aha, it seems I missed the last one in my downloading spree last year. That would explain why I haven't seen it! :) oops
who the hell is Michael Dorn?

Im guessing youre refering to the guy that looks like a he-man ripoff in that episode that was probably written by a drunk person who didnt realize the difference between wing commander and dungeons & dragons

but who is Michael Dorn anyway?
Originally posted by Kalfor
who the hell is Michael Dorn?

Im guessing youre refering to the guy that looks like a he-man ripoff in that episode that was probably written by a drunk person who didnt realize the difference between wing commander and dungeons & dragons

but who is Michael Dorn anyway?

If you were paying attention you would have noticed that there was actually a point to having that character. It's great how you called the writers drunk and all, but you should really figure out what's actually going on or you make a fool out of yourself.

Michael Dorn
TC, dude, did someone step on your toe or something? you got a lot of anger in your heart

my complain is not about the use of michael dorn, which you would have noticed if YOU read what I posted, but who is he and refering to how the story has absolutelly nothing to do with wing commander

maybe you should take time to calm down, breath and read twice before replying with so much hate

and btw, if that is michael dorn, what does he have to do with the alien? or was just the name of the alien (which I got to say I dont remember)
Michael Dorn is Worf.
it's a commonly known fact.
and, yes, commonly known facts make TC cry :(
Originally posted by Kalfor
TC, dude, did someone step on your toe or something? you got a lot of anger in your heart

my complain is not about the use of michael dorn, which you would have noticed if YOU read what I posted, but who is he and refering to how the story has absolutelly nothing to do with wing commander

maybe you should take time to calm down, breath and read twice before replying with so much hate

and btw, if that is michael dorn, what does he have to do with the alien? or was just the name of the alien (which I got to say I dont remember)

What the heck are you talking about. You should really read the thread. It's been mentioned a few times that the character was a USA Network thing. He appeared on all the cartoons that were shown that day. Hence why it makes your seem rather stupid to call the writers drunks! Michael Dorn voiced the alien, as you would know if you read the thread or the link (Wing Commander Academy is 34 in his filmography).
actually, what loaf said was that that day all cartoons had michael dorn passing thru, with different backstories

you only made it clear that it was a story happening in small parts in many cartoons now
before it looked like simply loaf meant michael dorn was a character in each of the cartoons that day, period
btw, commonly known fact is that the earth spins around the sun
Not everyone is a star trek fan, and not everyone knows the name of the actors playing each character, most of all the ones behind some layers of makeup
Double-posting is for retards. We have an
button here, use it.
let me guess
you were at home with absolutelly nothing better to do, so a post and thought "hey! he looks like an easy target!" and decided to make this stupid post, am I right? cause I see so many times posts complaining of people making useless posts that take bandwidth and you go and do that, making me having to reply to your stupid post, which ends up taking more bandwidth

terrible, isnt it?
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
On its own I kind of like recreation -- it's kind of like an original Star Trek episode.

In actuallity I did like the episode. I like the "you can't take life to give life" idea, a constant thread in alot of sci-fi shows from Star Trek to to the DeathWalker episode of B5 ( one of my alltime favorite ones - Vash: "You are not ready. . . for immorality" :) ) ANyway, I just don't like how they depicted Micheal Dorn's character. I have a problem with all aliens being humanoid and especially one that looks like a Heman character (oh my God, I think I just agreed with our new little LeHah wannabe). Story and character = good, character type = bad, IMHO. And yes before anyone pipes up, I know I'm just stating an opinion that can't be based on anything (*under breath* Go Hellcats!! :) )and my greivances with the character are my own problem (I'm coping, really I am).

let me guess
you were at home with absolutelly nothing better to do, so a post and thought "hey! he looks like an easy target!" and decided to make this stupid post, am I right? cause I see so many times posts complaining of people making useless posts that take bandwidth and you go and do that, making me having to reply to your stupid post, which ends up taking more bandwidth

terrible, isnt it?

The cz's culture is highly hirachial.
People will seldom respect you if you're new and especially if you fight for respect.

Yes, I think it sucks too, but nothing can be done apart from ignoring Frosty and trying to get along with everyone.