WC! & 2 ship design...

For me, only the WC2 fighters seem to blend together as blah. WC1 fighters are all original and neat designs. Technically so are WC2 fighters but they still never stood out for me.
I'm not sure what you mean.

The WC fighters were okay, but I didn't really like the extra 'wings' on the Scimitar and the Raptor. The Hornet and the Rapier have a airplane-like design.

The Ferret and the Epee looked quite compact, and I like the 'broad' wings of the Broadsword, even if that meant clashing with your wingman on torpedo runs! Crossbow look quite original too, even though it hurt to fly. Especially with those huge circular things swallowing up your cockpit view.
10 Metres... *thinks*. So the Ferret was about the same size in length as a power pole is high.

The Sabre and Morningstar were just great designs for ships though, you have to admit it :)
What the hell was the purpose of those two cylinder things on the crossbow anyway? :p
At least the crossbow had some maneouverability and speed though... unlike the Broadsword... From memory though, the Crossbow only had one turret, yes?
good point. I started with WC2 went to 1 then went armada, 3, 4, p, so and I must say that 3/4 ships still look the best to me though I really like the ferret's looks (with the paintjob it kinda remindes me of a Colonial Viper from BSG) and the morningstar was great
Originally posted by Wedge009

I dunno, the WC2 Rapier didn't look so bad. <Imagines take-off scene where Blair gets into the fighter>
I completely agree (in fact the Wc2 Rapier is one of my favourites). But she had 2 long barrels (Particle cannons) and the Lasers' barrels, while shorter, weren't really short.
With "short barrels" I meant something of the length of, maybe, the Banshee's barrels.

Capship engagement? Planetary bombardment? I know what you mean, though, they were ridiculously long, and pretty much useless.

I always thought the Ralari to be too cumbersome to get a capship exactly before her seemingly fixed guns.(except against an even more cumbersome capship). But planetary bombardment may be an option...