Wat happend with the WC series

not if you lose all the time... although I suppose not playing *at all* would mean you just had to restart each mission over and over... well, you know what he meant!

some of you guys are realy weared, but thanks for the replys. :D

It's just stupid that after freespace II there hasend been a good spaceflight sim. :(
"Weared"? Weird?

Not that I hold that sort of opinion against people, but some might call you weird for calling Freespace 2 a good space sim.
Originally posted by AngelEyes
It's just stupid that after freespace II there hasend been a good spaceflight sim. :(
Some game genres phase in and out of style, this just happens to be one of them. Flight sims are another.

Anyway, Freespace 2 was almost as lame as Freespace, so space games sucked since before it arrived, and Independence War 2 came out at some point, and it was great. If you haven't played it yet, it makes a great diversion, but it doesn't last all that long.
Freespace and Freespace 2 were IMO good games, not excellent but good. I did not put much favor in the cutscenes or how they drop you right in the middle of battle instead of flying to the combat zone so you can at least get your systems adjusted prior to hitting combat. Plus the cumbersome keystrokes and steps just made the game FS and FS2 too cumbersome during a heated combat situation. Who has time to fumble thru selecting which flight group, which fighter and wich command to give when 6 fighters are launching missiles up your tailpipe! I often ignored the com's commands and just took care of everthing myself, which in the long run, turned out to be the best since I was very well capable of defending a cargo group while the other fighters (AI) who are supposed to be there to assist, couldnt hit the broad side of a barn if they were 1 inch from it even after telling them to attack that target!

The only reason why I enjoyed FS and FS2, was the mulitplayer capability, and the fact that they included FRED, the editor to create new missions and combat scenarios. Those two things gave the game a little extra kick. Without them, FS and FS2 would have died out much sooner than it did. Well, it isnt exactly "dead" yet, cause I see thousands of players still playing mulitplayer games each day.

The days of "single player only" are long gone. Any game made that only focuses on single player usually does not last very long. Doesnt matter what platform it is on, GBA, PS, XB, PC. The old days of low processing power and narrow bandwidth internet are long gone, and so are the ways games are created. Just look at the trend of what kind of games are hitting the market. Very very few are single player only games, and there is a reason for that. They dont live past the final mission or final level till one drags out the game a few months or years later to revisit. By that time, hundreds of improved, far better games have hit the market and surpassed the old ones with new features and capabilities.

Either the games keep up with the times and requests of the buyers, or it will fade into the abyss of "once was, now is not".
Originally posted by Frosty
If you haven't played it yet, it makes a great diversion, but it doesn't last all that long.

I rather like Homeworld myself.
Originally posted by WildWeasel
Oh, I'm sure that there's some good fan fiction out there...somewhere...
Good fanfic is like a unicorn; everyone knows what it looks like, but nobody's ever seen it.
Originally posted by LeHah
I rather like Homeworld myself.
Homeworld is great. I'd play it more, except nobody ever wants to play with me when I ask them to. Plus, I lost my CD...
Originally posted by Frosty
I'd play it more, except nobody ever wants to play with me when I ask them to. Plus, I lost my CD...

I'll find my CD and we'll get a game going on whatever online service it runs under. WON, right?

Then again, I'm so out of touch with on-line gaming, it could be under TEN.