Vengeance of the Kilrathi Takes 18th Best Title (July 19, 2000)


The Internet Gaming Network is doing a "Top 25 Games of All Time" feature. Anyone else finding these are getting a bit old? There were tons around the end of last year. Anyway, yesterday was #16 to #20. Guess what #18 is. Yeah, it's a WC game. Wing Commander II to be exact. Here's a snip: the end the sequel's great storyline, fantastic gameplay, and cool speech pack option made this the best of the series. After Wing II, Origin started using real actors and FMV for their cutscenes, losing a little part of what made the first two titles so incredibly absorbing.
They also list the games that were influenced by Wing Commander (II), which is pretty damn long.

Original update published on July 19, 2000
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