Unused Rachel scenes in DivX format


WC EXE archaeologist
I've uploaded the 2 unused WCP Rachel scenes and an unused (although incomplete) WC3 scene involving Blair at http://student/~mbrito/temp/ .

If you tried out my movie player you most likely saw these already, but i took the liberty to convert them to DivX (3.11a), since some people were apparently having trouble using it.

I'll need to take down the files soon, so if anyone wishes to put them up somewhere, feel free to :)

(EDIT) Sorry, dumb url mistake: should read http://student.dei.uc.pt/~mbrito/temp/ ... that's what happens when you're on the internal network, you don't notice these things ;(

Btw, soon == couple of days ;)

use the rip3 program from hcl's page
and make sure uve got lots of space on drive C as it extracts them all to there as *.mve then run em with the movie player

BTW the rip3 program can rip the movie from the wc3demo!
its great!
I wonder why they didn`t use these videos. I was getting tired of hearing her say "Great job, the Iceman would have been proud" all the time...
Yes, more variety wouldn't have been bad. Especially that "Best pilot in confed" dialogue where Casey does actually say sth.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Especially that "Best pilot in Confed" dialogue where Casey does actually say sth.
As opposed to standing there like a gawking idiot? :)

I wouldn't bother with them except that unfinished WC3 sounds interesting. Anyone worked out what it's about?
It's the speech Blair gives at the hidden station right before the final run to Kilrah. You can check the dialouge in the WC3 script posted in the Files section.
Ah, the one where he goes on about "Lord Ralgha... no Hobbes" or something like that. Why did they decide to cut out almost everything about Hobbes from after his reversion to Ralgha? :(
Well, some of what was cut from the PC version can be found in different formats. The Hobbes appology is on both the PS and 3DO versions.

I think they cut mentioning Hobbes since Blair's feelings were reflected in whether you flew off and hunted him down like a dog, to kill him yourself or if you stayed on the Victory and bided your time. One is full of rage, another is more placid denial.
Fair enough, though I'm sure we all agree that cutting the "Hobbes Explanation" was a bad call. True, first time players of WC might not care/be concerned, but I'm there are a large percentage of people who played WC3 knew of his history from WC1/2 and the novels.
Cutting the Hobbes explanation was always a bad thought. It gives the player a sense of closure with a character you've played through 3 games with.

I wonder if that scene is hidden on the WC3 PC disks.
Not likely. It's quite long, and I think the main reason it was cut was for space reasons. And then we wonder why we have all those boring repetitive transition scenes. True, we need to see them, but after the first time you play the game, they're useless.
Originally posted by LeHah
Cutting the Hobbes explanation was always a bad thought. It gives the player a sense of closure with a character you've played through 3 games with.

I wonder if that scene is hidden on the WC3 PC disks.

Two games -- and it's not... it was cut for space reasons, not lack of artistic merit. Cutting the scenes to fit onto a 60 minute CD and then keeping them in the game wouldn't really make sense...:)
well, considering how much we've found on the WC:P disks, I was hoping the same was possible with the WC3 ones. :(

How is it that the PS disks have enough space, but the PC ones do not? I take it they use different kinds of video/audio compression.
WC3 was made back in 1994, when CD-ROM technology was new and still fairly rare... first-gen CD drives could only read the original 60 minute discs. Although 74 minute discs were around in '94, Origin didn't want to risk alienating an already potentially small user base by using them.

The 3DO and PSX systems are all capable of reading 74 minute CDs -- so they were used for those two ports.