UE Questions


Rogue Leader
I give up. My old computer is just not good enough for UE. :( I'll just have to wait until I get a better computer - if ever. After finally downloading the speech and movies, I found UE kept throwing me back to Windows a second after inflight speech. I must say that what little I heard sounded very good, though.

Anyway, it was with some difficulty I managed to uninstall UE - the 'uninstaller' from "Add/Remove Programs" just uninstalled SO, so I had to do a manual delete and search through the registry. BTW, whoever programmed fiction viewer needs to learn how to spell "losing". :/

So after all that, I have a few questions:

In which mission is the first movie played?

I also decided to have a go at the original UE beta/demo ('twas only one mission, right?) and it's interesting to see how much progress was made since then. But I must say I thought the ICIS briefing voice-over sounded better in the original UE. What's the justification for the more gruff voice in the released UE? It shouldn't really be the poorer equipment of the Border Worlders since the ICIS was brand new on the Midway. :) Yeah, I know there's not much that can done about the briefing system - it's not like you can go back to the WC1/2/3 style briefings made by the Wing Commander... can you?

Also, what sort of filters were applied to make the speech for the ICIS briefing and the Kilrathi? If it's not a secret, that is. I'm just curious.

Finally, has/is Needaham released/releasing the UE music MIDIs? Because I'm thinking I might have a go at making some piano scores from them since that was brought up in another thread.

First exam tomorrow, so I'll be out of action for a while. I shouldn't even be online now. :/
Originally posted by Wedge009

it's not like you can go back to the WC1/2/3 style briefings made by the Wing Commander... can you?

Sure you could... You just throw in a movie and after that skip right to the launch.
Re: Re: UE Questions

Originally posted by TC
Sure you could... You just throw in a movie and after that skip right to the launch.

Ahhh yes, all we'd need is a budget of millions! Woohoo! :P
Wedge009 will be offline ? :::::::(

Pedro , Quarto I always wanted to play the Beta Version with the single mission !

Why dont you put it in the Download section ? ?
Its 40mbytes huh ? Well I want it ! I ve read the Review by.....em....I dont remember back at 1999. I know it has bugs etc but where can I find it ??
We don't have unlimited bandwidth and space... there is no point putting up the old demo.

Originally posted by Wedge009
After finally downloading the speech and movies, I found UE kept throwing me back to Windows a second after inflight speech. I must say that what little I heard sounded very good, though.
After? That's pretty weird... does it happen with every special comm, or just some of them? And do you have the SO speech pack installed?

Anyway, it was with some difficulty I managed to uninstall UE - the 'uninstaller' from "Add/Remove Programs" just uninstalled SO, so I had to do a manual delete and search through the registry.
That's odd, I didn't have any trouble unistalling UE... but then again, I didn't try the multi-part version.

The first movie is played in mission 2A (the 'transferring' movie). The next one is played between 2A and the first cutscene.

I dunno what the difference between the original UE ICIS and the current one is. Actually, as I understand it, it was pretty much the same process - just a different voice actor (since the original guy had disappeared long ago). And hey, this isn't the ICIS, it's, uh... just some kind of briefing system with a computer-generated voice :p.

For the ICIS briefings, we used the 'mechanise' filter in Goldwave, and possibly the lower-pitch filter too (I can't remember). I don't actually know what was used for the Kilrathi... I think 15th Rampage explained once, but I forgot :).

As for music, Michael is working on getting the MIDIs released, yes.
I finalized the MIDI package late last night - hopefully we'll have it up soon. I'd like to see what you do with it (and yes... that qualifies as my formal permission to let you modify them).
Originally posted by Wedge009
Anyway, it was with some difficulty I managed to uninstall UE - the 'uninstaller' from "Add/Remove Programs" just uninstalled SO, so I had to do a manual delete and search through the registry. BTW, whoever programmed fiction viewer needs to learn how to spell "losing". :/

Why would you want to?:D

I know I quoted you wedge and I know your having problems even getting it working so it doesn't even really imply to you as I know why you are. It was just another way to put a cheap complement into the UE team.:D I feel bad for you I hope your able to get it working eventually wedge. :(
Re: Re: UE Questions

Originally posted by Quarto
We don't have unlimited bandwidth and space... there is no point putting up the old demo.

Maybe once the interst for UE is a bit lower? I'd also like to get that demo sucky as it might be.
pat yourself on the back Filler. You guys are the first guys to outdue origin at the game they started (I'm refering to the last two efforts prophecy and secret ops) and the imatators put out by big name companies (refering to Bang! gunship elite -red storm entertainment, Starlancer- Digital Anvil (both of which were published by microsoft) and Freespace 1 & 2- Violition). That line that Violition uses Games made by Gamers for the Gaming fans (or something similar) you guys are a better example. :D
Re: Re: UE Questions

Originally posted by TC
Sure you could... You just throw in a movie and after that skip right to the launch.
Interesting. Of course, that'd take quite a bit more HD space!

Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
Pedro, Quarto I always wanted to play the Beta Version with the single mission!
Try Primarch's missions. Similar feel - ships have been swapped, but still show up as things like Piranhas on the HUD.

Originally posted by Quarto
After? That's pretty weird... does it happen with every special comm, or just some of them? And do you have the SO speech pack installed?
I had everything downloaded and installed at that point. It happened every time the Dauntless recalled its fighters to defend it against the Ralari. Not sure if any other comms managed to play. It's probably a lack of memory, since I managed to play a bit further after disabling all speech.

Originally posted by Quarto
That's odd, I didn't have any trouble unistalling UE... but then again, I didn't try the multi-part version.
Well... could just be my computer again.

Originally posted by Quarto
The first movie is played in mission 2A (the 'transferring' movie). The next one is played between 2A and the first cutscene.
I take it that's after the fourth mission?

Originally posted by Quarto
For the ICIS briefings, we used the 'mechanise' filter in Goldwave, and possibly the lower-pitch filter too (I can't remember).
Ah, cool.
Re: Re: Re: UE Questions

Originally posted by Wedge009
I take it that's after the fourth mission?
No, that's after mission 2A... which is actually the third mission :p. We have the prelude mission which doesn't have a number, then we have M1 with the Fralthi, and then M2A or M2B, depending on how you did with the Fralthi.
Ack, too many mission designators. :/ Well, if the speech didn't throw me back to Windows, I'm sure the movie would have.
I have started playing WC 1 again (I Finally bought WC:KS) and It seems to have already ramped my skills up a bunch. I plan on going through the whole game and the secret missions 1 and 2. I tried playing WC 2 and got my arse handed to me. guess I still need practice but I think that once I complete wc2 and special ops 1 and 2. I might actually be able to get past the third mission in UE finally. (Hopefully) Plus my new Full size keyboard compared to the laptop keyboard I was using will help. :D
I find practicing mission 3 is a good way to get past mission 3 as opposed to playing another game :p