UE - not easy game


I thought I'm really good in WC game. I play Prophecy and Secret Ops missions as Nightmare, without problems. But I'm unable to complete the most of UE missions as Rookie! How can I shoot down the Manta with the poor, slow lasers of Banshee? Usual nuber of kills is about 30 kills for 15 mins long mission. Not to mention that it's really hard work with FF joystick. But anyway, you guys did a great job. Thanx.
Glad you like it, as for the banshee remember the first time that you encounter it both the stormfire and missiles will be recharged twice during the mission so don't be afraid to use them :) Good luck getting to the end
With the Banshee, one piece of advice - don't switch to full guns. Instead, fire one laser at a time. This seems to work a bit better :).
Personally I have more luck with full guns, I never miss on that setting :)

Thanx for your advices, guys, but give me the Dragon! Or Arrow or Excalibur at least! BTW, don't you know why Dragon wasn't available in Prophecy or Secret Ops?
Re: ships

Originally posted by hoprdox
Thanx for your advices, guys, but give me the Dragon! Or Arrow or Excalibur at least! BTW, don't you know why Dragon wasn't available in Prophecy or Secret Ops?

1.) (guess) The designers felt it would be a good idea to add a complete group of new ships for you to fly, as opposed to once again hauling out the older designs.
2.) Dragons are expensive, and money that would buy a single Dragon could probably buy a whole bunch of other fighters that are almost as good.
3.) Dragons are associated exclusively with the Black Lance, and due to what the Black Lance did during WC4, the presence of Dragons would probably make people slightly nervous, particularly in and around the UBW, which is where Confed sees most of its military action.
Originally posted by TC
Also, the Dragon is inferior, statistically, to the high end Prophecy ships.

True. The Vampire (and Black Vampire as well) is vastly superior to the Dragon with the exceptions that it has no torpedoes (though it does carry twice as many anti-fighter missiles), and that its shields are about 1/3 thinner. The Vampire is also supposedly cheaper since it uses the standard fusion powerplant and ion drive engines instead of the micro-antimatter reactor used in the Dragon. Still, the Dragon's cloak-anytime ability and its ability to see other cloaked fighters was cool.
I'd take on anything in a Dragon! It was (and still is) the best fighter in all of WC.
to the UE team..thanks for giving us the revamped scimitar. I hated to fly it in WC1 but in UE it is the best! same with the K'ha'haf. I've always wanted to fly one of those! and thanks for making a capship that was hard to destroy. it took me about five tries to kill the Ralari. normally I can kill anything in about 2 tries. great game! looking forward to UE2 (and please put the Dragon in that one :D. remember the BW captured some in WC4! :D)
Originally posted by Unregistered
Still, the Dragon's cloak-anytime ability and its ability to see other cloaked fighters was cool.

Cloak is apparantly a fairly standard feature now, and one would, therefore, thing the cloak defeating sensors became standard as well... The Piranhas in Prophecy were to have a scene that had them cloak, and the Nephilim continuing to see them on sensors. The comm videos were cut/never made, but the captions are in the game files.
Originally posted by DoomsdayPlague
Well then wouldn't they made a cloak scanner jammer then?

Nobody has, as far as we know. It doesn't mean that something to that effect doesn't exist, though. One would, I assume, need to come up with an entirely new way to cloak a ship... or at least refine the process. We know that, circa Prophecy, the Nephilim can see through cloak and, I assume, Confed should be able to see through their own now that they understand cloak properly (as opposed to the hacks they had earlier in the series)
Actually, we don't know for certain that they can see through cloaks. Since that part of the game was cut out, it effectively never existed - so, Piranhas may have cloaks, but we don't know, and the bugs may see through cloaks, but we don't know. There is of course some evidence in the WCP manual that they might see through cloaks, but again, we are not certain.
It's rather conclusive that they can see through cloaks... It's rather hard to destroy 6 recon craft without being able to see through their cloak.
though If i am recalling this correctly even when they cloaked you could see a faint outline of the ship. you would have to be very perceptive and it would take alot of outflying to keep alive but you might occasionally be able to dodge there attacks and fire on them if you saw them moving away after they hit you or your wingman. so almost impossible but not totally out of the question as blair and other confed aces survived those type of attacks in the past.
Originally posted by DoomsdayPlague
Well then wouldn't they made a cloak scanner jammer then?

Well, jamming is a problem because, by simply transmitting the jamming signal itself, you are essentially broadcasting your presence. It is true that the enemy will be unable to determine the type and number of your ships, or your exact location and heading, but they will know that your side has SOMETHING nearby. Thus, jamming may be good in a combat situation, but it is worthless if you want to go around completely undetected, spying on the enemy without their knowing it.
I quite liked the solution that was offered in HTL. Of course the ideas are not canon but the concept for making the cloak was quite satisfying. I'd go along with it in a UE2. Plus it could make for some pretty cool animations and cut scenes.

Hey, I liked Dragon not because of cloaking device (I used it only when I was escaping from that "Tolwyn speech"), but because this ship is fast, with good endurance and firepower. Of course Vampire is great, too, so is Panther and my favorite, Wasp.
The Best Wc Fighter I ve ever flown (even if Hellcat is my Favorite) was the Wc3 excalibur.Nothing Compared to it :p