You Are A Wing Commander Junkie If...
1. You refer to your home as "Sol III"
2. You demand people to refer to you by your Callsign.
3. You autoslide when walking.
4. You request time off from work because "My friend Dallas has died".
5. You have more then 20 screenshots of your 6. Piranha in action.
7. You refer to your computer as "TCS Midway"
8. You have a picture of Flint, Rachel, or 9. another wc woman, at work.
10. You're attempting to pay for something in credits.
11. You're afraid to visit the doctor, because he might ground you.
12. You have time to create a website devoted to Wing Commander.
13. You get the flu and swear it's bioweapons or an alien virus.
14. You search the Yellow Pages looking for Sinner's Inn/Confed HQ.
15. You've been banned from church for yelling out; "all bow down before SIVAR!".
16. You're friends send you on a food run and you hurry before the Shop/Transport is destroyed by aliens.
17. Your therapist has classified you as "paranoid", due to your belief of an approaching bug army.
18. You have no fear of taking on 5 (real world) Migs, after all, you've fought Sorthaks and Paktahns.
19. You found yourself saying, "Now what would Blair do in this situation?"
20. You are afraid of bugs.
21. When you have to eject, you scream "NO, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE, NOOOOOOOOOO!" and you jump out of your seat, only to wake up days later...
22. You go into a gun store and ask if they have plasma guns.
23. You go to the CIC every day
24. You can't leave town without finding the white navpoint.
25. You've been arrested several times for breaking into military basses looking for bioweapons and secret unmarked fighters.
26. You refer to your friend as NPC's.
27. You have Wing Commander sounds or desktop patterns on your computer.
28. You keep the Kilrathi Saga box displayed on top of your TV.
29. You send in ideas for this list.
30. You understand all this.
31. You go on a road trip and hope you don't get any hostile encounters.
32. You wonder why your alarm clock doesn't have a Scramble alarm.
33. Instead of calling an exterminator when you see a bug, you look for a hanger.
34. You have all the games.
35. You actually own a flightsuit used in the games
36. You can quote Wing Commander as you would do Shakespeare
37. You use WC taunts as catchphrases.
38. You threaten to sacrifice the guy at the McDonalds drive-thru to "my lord the warrior-god Sivar" if he doesn't hurry up.
39. You name your parakeet after a Firekkan.
40. Your cat is called Hobbes (or Ralgha, depending on personal taste)
41. You look at Rigel and think of the depot there.
42. You see Vega then try to find McAuliffe, Freya, and Hellespont.
43. You try to look beyond Vega and Alcor to see the Kilrathi.
44. You refer to the year 2657 as the destruction of the Tiger's Claw.
45. You worry that a Kilrathi cruiser might ascend on Earth.
46. You worship Sivar.
47. You memorize the Kilrathi language on page 67 of the Kilrathi Saga manual.
48. You refer to your planet as Nak'tara.
49. You understand Kilrathi in the games
50. You can read Kilrathi
51. You can write Kilrathi
52. You can actually speak flawless Kilrathi
53. 50 doesn't sound strange for you
54. You don't know why people look weird at 55. you when you speak Kilrathi in public.
56. Every time a cloud covers the sun, you run in fear that the Kilrathi arrived.
57. You see the scene of a skull in Terminator, and leave the theater after seeing a terminator leg instead of a Kilrathi leg crushing it
58. You play other space sim games only to 59. "gather information about the enemy".
60. You don't play other space sims at all
61. You're making a hunger strike until the next WC game is released
62. You spend all your time online on the CIC pushing reload on your browser
63. You think your cat is a spy
64. Your favorites menu on Internet Explorer have a subfolder called "Wing Commander"
65. You don't have a subfolder called Wing Commander because you don't have any page there that isn't related to Wing Commander
66. You tried to take a History class on the Terran - Kilrathi War in high school
67. You write lists asking if you are a WC Junkie...(cruel but true!)
68. You name all of your model ships after W.C. ships
69. Owning Baldur's Gate and using the custom sounds option to make your character talk like Maniac
70. You built the TCS Midway out of Construxs once.
71. While driving your car, you attempt to outmaneuver enemy fighters.
72. You keep a laser pistol close at hand in case you get a flat in enemy territory.
73. You paint silhouette of all the cars you've outmaneuvered on the side of your car.
74. You can imagine how all your enemies would look like if they were Kilrathi.
75. When you're at the supermarket, you attempt to get discounts on your food, claiming, "It's for the war effort"
76. At work, you continually refer to your boss as a, "tight ass CO"
77. At work, whenever you're about to do some hard work, you put on a helmet with your Callsign on it.
78. You have a tape recording of your girlfriend breaking up with you and you keep it in your locker.
79. You are constantly sent to the Principle's Office under the charge of reenacting a patrol mission between and during classes.
80. You bring Boom-Boom to the Homecoming dance.
81. You consider yourself an ace for tackling 5 football players last Friday.
82. You believe you have achieved the rank of Ace of Aces this Friday, and you use the excuse, "but my blackbox got hit!" to get away with it.
83. You have played Wing Commander Quake...
84. You have never found any humor in hearing someone say, "Look what the cat dragged in."
85. You believe whenever your pet kitty runs from you, a Nephilim is scaring it away.
86. You call yourself a Colonel.
87. You are a Colonel.
88. You own every product related to Wing Commander released by Origin, even though half of that is just the other half in neat new packages.
89. You write something to this list.
90. None of these things is strange to you because you've already done some or all of them.
91. Chris Roberts files a restraining order against you.
92. You enter the Guinness book of records as the man with the most restraining orders issued... one for each person that had remotely something to do with Wing Commander.
93. Even the delivery boy that delivered the gold versions of Wing Commander Prophecy to be reproduced issues a restraining order.
94. You have three of each WC ever produced... even the gold editions... one for playing it, another for when the first one wears off, and the third for your Wing Commander Altar.
95. You have three of every Wing Commander book ever written...(for reason see No. 94)
96. You have every article ever written about any Wing Commander Game or Book.
97. You have DOS WC2 & WC3 but buy KSaga as it is the only way you'll be able to play the "47 heart pounding missions that started it all."
98. You have one DVD copy of the movie and 2 on tape. (the DVD so you can say you got it, and the 2 tapes, one spare for when you watch the other one so many times you break it .
99. When get called to the chalkboard at school you have trouble suppressing the urge of writing down your kill scores.
100. You actually take the time to try and figure out the physics behind any of the beam weapons (laser cannons, plasma cannons, etc..). OOhhh....bonus for the leech cannons.
101. You'd love to use a flashpack to instantly "nuke" (aka "cook") the popcorn that it takes a good 3+ minutes to do in the microwave.
102. You have a dartboard background with Tolwyn or any of the other "baddies" on it.
103. You wish Vagabond or Dekker would do an undercover mission to "kidnap" you from class.
104. You already have a paint scheme in mind for the first Piranha you think you're going to fly.
105. You've made a list of every single WC kill you've gotten (numbers and type of each craft...and method of destruction).
106. You have any or all of the WC Universe star system maps up in your room...with pins pointing to where you'd like to visit (or in the "real" realm...look at through a telescope).
107. You believe that 6 days was good and all, but on the 7th day, God created the Wing Commander Universe.
108. You rob your neighbor's kid's LEGO set to build all the WC ship models...
109. You imagined that it was the instructor teaching new maneuver during your physics lesson.
110. You armed yourself with a tennis racket and stormed down the corridor, thinking you are a marine down in a Kilrathi capship.
111. You get slapped by a girl in a bar by saying, "How would you like to...."
112. Chased by a police car for some unknown reasons, you released a jar of highly sensitive explosives which goes boom on impact with the road and accelerates to speed above what your speedometer show.
113. You sped off some cliff edge thinking you're going to 'jump' to another part of this world.
114. You try playing with tractor beam technology for your science project.
115. You think that you've found the correct chemical formula for durasteel...and it was the first question you ever asked your Chem. prof.
116. You can drive your car "a la autoslide".
117. You're taking a class on ion propulsion and anti-matter reactions for possible production into an engine (don't ask....cause I am)
118. You're gawking over LOAF's apparent Wing Commander Uniform...wishing you could have it for your own.
119. You look through mythology books just to find out what Tiamat means.
120. You always relate speed in KPS.
121. You have bad WC dreams.
original concept by Twister
"Just close your eyes and pretend it's Wing Commander"
1. You refer to your home as "Sol III"
2. You demand people to refer to you by your Callsign.
3. You autoslide when walking.
4. You request time off from work because "My friend Dallas has died".
5. You have more then 20 screenshots of your 6. Piranha in action.
7. You refer to your computer as "TCS Midway"
8. You have a picture of Flint, Rachel, or 9. another wc woman, at work.
10. You're attempting to pay for something in credits.
11. You're afraid to visit the doctor, because he might ground you.
12. You have time to create a website devoted to Wing Commander.
13. You get the flu and swear it's bioweapons or an alien virus.
14. You search the Yellow Pages looking for Sinner's Inn/Confed HQ.
15. You've been banned from church for yelling out; "all bow down before SIVAR!".
16. You're friends send you on a food run and you hurry before the Shop/Transport is destroyed by aliens.
17. Your therapist has classified you as "paranoid", due to your belief of an approaching bug army.
18. You have no fear of taking on 5 (real world) Migs, after all, you've fought Sorthaks and Paktahns.
19. You found yourself saying, "Now what would Blair do in this situation?"
20. You are afraid of bugs.
21. When you have to eject, you scream "NO, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE, NOOOOOOOOOO!" and you jump out of your seat, only to wake up days later...
22. You go into a gun store and ask if they have plasma guns.
23. You go to the CIC every day
24. You can't leave town without finding the white navpoint.
25. You've been arrested several times for breaking into military basses looking for bioweapons and secret unmarked fighters.
26. You refer to your friend as NPC's.
27. You have Wing Commander sounds or desktop patterns on your computer.
28. You keep the Kilrathi Saga box displayed on top of your TV.
29. You send in ideas for this list.
30. You understand all this.
31. You go on a road trip and hope you don't get any hostile encounters.
32. You wonder why your alarm clock doesn't have a Scramble alarm.
33. Instead of calling an exterminator when you see a bug, you look for a hanger.
34. You have all the games.
35. You actually own a flightsuit used in the games
36. You can quote Wing Commander as you would do Shakespeare
37. You use WC taunts as catchphrases.
38. You threaten to sacrifice the guy at the McDonalds drive-thru to "my lord the warrior-god Sivar" if he doesn't hurry up.
39. You name your parakeet after a Firekkan.
40. Your cat is called Hobbes (or Ralgha, depending on personal taste)
41. You look at Rigel and think of the depot there.
42. You see Vega then try to find McAuliffe, Freya, and Hellespont.
43. You try to look beyond Vega and Alcor to see the Kilrathi.
44. You refer to the year 2657 as the destruction of the Tiger's Claw.
45. You worry that a Kilrathi cruiser might ascend on Earth.
46. You worship Sivar.
47. You memorize the Kilrathi language on page 67 of the Kilrathi Saga manual.
48. You refer to your planet as Nak'tara.
49. You understand Kilrathi in the games
50. You can read Kilrathi
51. You can write Kilrathi
52. You can actually speak flawless Kilrathi
53. 50 doesn't sound strange for you
54. You don't know why people look weird at 55. you when you speak Kilrathi in public.
56. Every time a cloud covers the sun, you run in fear that the Kilrathi arrived.
57. You see the scene of a skull in Terminator, and leave the theater after seeing a terminator leg instead of a Kilrathi leg crushing it
58. You play other space sim games only to 59. "gather information about the enemy".
60. You don't play other space sims at all
61. You're making a hunger strike until the next WC game is released
62. You spend all your time online on the CIC pushing reload on your browser
63. You think your cat is a spy
64. Your favorites menu on Internet Explorer have a subfolder called "Wing Commander"
65. You don't have a subfolder called Wing Commander because you don't have any page there that isn't related to Wing Commander
66. You tried to take a History class on the Terran - Kilrathi War in high school
67. You write lists asking if you are a WC Junkie...(cruel but true!)
68. You name all of your model ships after W.C. ships
69. Owning Baldur's Gate and using the custom sounds option to make your character talk like Maniac
70. You built the TCS Midway out of Construxs once.
71. While driving your car, you attempt to outmaneuver enemy fighters.
72. You keep a laser pistol close at hand in case you get a flat in enemy territory.
73. You paint silhouette of all the cars you've outmaneuvered on the side of your car.
74. You can imagine how all your enemies would look like if they were Kilrathi.
75. When you're at the supermarket, you attempt to get discounts on your food, claiming, "It's for the war effort"
76. At work, you continually refer to your boss as a, "tight ass CO"
77. At work, whenever you're about to do some hard work, you put on a helmet with your Callsign on it.
78. You have a tape recording of your girlfriend breaking up with you and you keep it in your locker.
79. You are constantly sent to the Principle's Office under the charge of reenacting a patrol mission between and during classes.
80. You bring Boom-Boom to the Homecoming dance.
81. You consider yourself an ace for tackling 5 football players last Friday.
82. You believe you have achieved the rank of Ace of Aces this Friday, and you use the excuse, "but my blackbox got hit!" to get away with it.
83. You have played Wing Commander Quake...
84. You have never found any humor in hearing someone say, "Look what the cat dragged in."
85. You believe whenever your pet kitty runs from you, a Nephilim is scaring it away.
86. You call yourself a Colonel.
87. You are a Colonel.
88. You own every product related to Wing Commander released by Origin, even though half of that is just the other half in neat new packages.
89. You write something to this list.
90. None of these things is strange to you because you've already done some or all of them.
91. Chris Roberts files a restraining order against you.
92. You enter the Guinness book of records as the man with the most restraining orders issued... one for each person that had remotely something to do with Wing Commander.
93. Even the delivery boy that delivered the gold versions of Wing Commander Prophecy to be reproduced issues a restraining order.
94. You have three of each WC ever produced... even the gold editions... one for playing it, another for when the first one wears off, and the third for your Wing Commander Altar.
95. You have three of every Wing Commander book ever written...(for reason see No. 94)
96. You have every article ever written about any Wing Commander Game or Book.
97. You have DOS WC2 & WC3 but buy KSaga as it is the only way you'll be able to play the "47 heart pounding missions that started it all."
98. You have one DVD copy of the movie and 2 on tape. (the DVD so you can say you got it, and the 2 tapes, one spare for when you watch the other one so many times you break it .
99. When get called to the chalkboard at school you have trouble suppressing the urge of writing down your kill scores.
100. You actually take the time to try and figure out the physics behind any of the beam weapons (laser cannons, plasma cannons, etc..). OOhhh....bonus for the leech cannons.
101. You'd love to use a flashpack to instantly "nuke" (aka "cook") the popcorn that it takes a good 3+ minutes to do in the microwave.
102. You have a dartboard background with Tolwyn or any of the other "baddies" on it.
103. You wish Vagabond or Dekker would do an undercover mission to "kidnap" you from class.
104. You already have a paint scheme in mind for the first Piranha you think you're going to fly.
105. You've made a list of every single WC kill you've gotten (numbers and type of each craft...and method of destruction).
106. You have any or all of the WC Universe star system maps up in your room...with pins pointing to where you'd like to visit (or in the "real" realm...look at through a telescope).
107. You believe that 6 days was good and all, but on the 7th day, God created the Wing Commander Universe.
108. You rob your neighbor's kid's LEGO set to build all the WC ship models...
109. You imagined that it was the instructor teaching new maneuver during your physics lesson.
110. You armed yourself with a tennis racket and stormed down the corridor, thinking you are a marine down in a Kilrathi capship.
111. You get slapped by a girl in a bar by saying, "How would you like to...."
112. Chased by a police car for some unknown reasons, you released a jar of highly sensitive explosives which goes boom on impact with the road and accelerates to speed above what your speedometer show.
113. You sped off some cliff edge thinking you're going to 'jump' to another part of this world.
114. You try playing with tractor beam technology for your science project.
115. You think that you've found the correct chemical formula for durasteel...and it was the first question you ever asked your Chem. prof.
116. You can drive your car "a la autoslide".
117. You're taking a class on ion propulsion and anti-matter reactions for possible production into an engine (don't ask....cause I am)
118. You're gawking over LOAF's apparent Wing Commander Uniform...wishing you could have it for your own.
119. You look through mythology books just to find out what Tiamat means.
120. You always relate speed in KPS.
121. You have bad WC dreams.
original concept by Twister
"Just close your eyes and pretend it's Wing Commander"