TV Show

I'm sure Mr. LOAF has connections on the 'inside' that no one knows about. Should they be known, I'm also sure he left instructions for them to ingest cyanide pills to protect his credibility.:D
LOAF is all knowing and all seeing! And he needs MONEY!

...wait, thats the Catholic Church...
To be honest it would be great to see a wing commander tv show, I've looked at the pnr films site too but besides the pictures of wing commander and chris roberts I didn't find anything even mentioning a tv show of wing commander.

I sure hope it's true, no matter where they air it I'm sure I'll get my hands on it and it would be great for us fans to have a show about it again, tho I hope it follows blair and maniac, since I love those characters. me personally didn't like blair coming to his end in wing commander prophecy at all. but that's just me.
Originally posted by CrashOV
To be honest it would be great to see a wing commander tv show, I've looked at the pnr films site too but besides the pictures of wing commander and chris roberts I didn't find anything even mentioning a tv show of wing commander.

It says so very clearly on page 3 of Television:

Wing Commander: The Television Series: Chris Roberts (a.k.a. "gaming God") does it again. In your face action and incredible special effects -- TV style.
If there isn't any information to devulge then why do we keep hearing about a show? Don't you need information to advertise something?
lets just not get U'r hopes up too high untill U have complete conformation that they've started filming the show before believing it competely, I've seen things like that get anulled n cancelled before. so don't get U'r hopes up too much just yet
I have plenty of hope because theres a lot of TV shows that make it. Even Cleopatra 2525 got a second season...
I'm not saying to give up hope, I ment just don't set U'rself up for a big dissapointment if it doesn't pull through :)

and yeah Loaf, I do that all the time big capital U and R instead of are and I also say thanky instead of ty, it's a habbit that I can't nor wanna get rid of really
Originally posted by CrashOV
and yeah Loaf, I do that all the time big capital U and R instead of are and I also say thanky instead of ty, it's a habbit that I can't nor wanna get rid of really

I'm sure he understands the basic idea behind it. It's just that it makes you look like an idiot... It isn't even much of a time saver, as you're only saving one keystroke...
Too bad you're displaying the latter trait, Crash. Calling an admin an idiot is not a way to make friends. Or keep the ones you have, if they're smart enough to get outside of the blast radius.
I must live in some alter universe from your own, since where I come from, looking like an idiot and not caring is being an idiot.