Trailing Rumors (February 11, 1999)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Cinescape posted the below about the Star Wars "B" Trailer yesterday, and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside (as if I'd eaten a caterpillar)...
The Insider hears from a reliable source that recent speculation that Fox's Wing Commander feature, to be released on March 12th, will play host to the expanded trailer for Star Wars: Episode One -- The Phantom Menace may very well be on the nose. The odds at this time are extremely good that things will turn out that way, my source indicated. After all, what better way to get sci-fi fans to stampede to theaters across the country for the release of Wing Commander? Maybe more people will actually stick around for the feature presentation this time too, which just might help Fox jump-start a new genre franchise.

Original update published on February 11, 1999
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