Trailer Released!


Vice Admiral
You are cleared to launch, Wing Commander.

Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn has been in development for a decade. You have all been waiting for a long time, and so have we. The wait is finally over. The Wing Commander Saga team is happy to present you with the final Wing Commander Saga trailer! The trailer gives a preview of many of Saga's features, including a few that we have kept secret, but it also finally answers our most frequently asked question of "when is Saga's release date?" Check out the trailer and start the count down to launch! :)

Congratulations ! I am pretty sure I speak for every Standoff team member when I say that we're very happy (and relieved !) to see the day when we stop making fun of you guys ;)

From the trailer your game looks fantastic (did I see hints of an atmospheric mission ?) , but the absolute best thing in there is a firm release date :) I'm looking forward to try it !
I second PopsiclePete - I am so very looking forward to playing this at the end of the month. It was an article about Saga way back in 2003 that allowed me to discover the CIC in the first place, so without you guys I may have never joined this community. The trailer looked great, and I hope Saga serves as a benchmark for any studio developed Wing Commander game in the future.
Awesome. I'm a (relatively) new dad, so I have *very* little time to play games anymore, and have to ration the titles I choose to play carefully. However, I think Saga just made the list (the last ones were the GOG WC3 and Starcraft II, and before that...Standoff). Looking forward to the release!

Is the Saga engine difficult to pick up, or will folks who are used to the mainline WC games and/or the Vision Engine be able to jump right in and have fun flying right off the bat?
I've been waiting for this thing to come out since I was 18... I'm 27 now. So, please take the following with a grain of salt. I do not mean this in any way derogatory towards the SAGA team or their associates.

'Bout. Damn. Time.
Fantastic. Really looking forward to playing it :).

...If you don't mind a little nitpick, though - that Arrow flyby would have looked a ton better if the ship tilted from side to side at least a bit. Just flying in a straight line seems a little unnatural (though arguably, that's exactly what would happen in space).
Excited too.
Gonna be the first game on my new joystick.

Is the classic WC 'mission branching' in this?
(If so, is it 55 missions in one path from start to finish, or 55 missions total?)

err... well I don't want to sound like a smartass, So let me first say this: I've been following this project for a long time (from, like a year before the release of the prologue I think that You've done a tremendous Job doing WC Saga, and it'll probably be more impressive then I ever Imagined considering latest trailers, and I basicly Can't wait till it's out and only hope my computer will be able to handle all missions.

but as for the branching - while true losing path (one leading to bad ending) will be impossible in fs engine(well not really impossible, just that reaching the end of it will force player to replay the whole campaign...) basic branching is doable in fs as long as branches converge at some point.

unless it has been removed in some point since fso 3.6.9 i think? where it still worked or the code is actually bugged and may cause random crashes like some other known instances... witch is entirely possible
but as for the branching - while true losing path (one leading to bad ending) will be impossible in fs engine(well not really impossible, just that reaching the end of it will force player to replay the whole campaign...) basic branching is doable in fs as long as branches converge at some point.

That is true to some extent. We had the choice between longer single player campaign and minor branching. Missions do unfold in a different manner, some missions might become a little harder depending on your performance, but that is far as our branching goes.
Hey guys! My apologies for not replying sooner, I've been out of it these past few days. This trailer is EXCELLENT and I can't wait for the game.

Total fan question: do you have a time in mind for the release? Need to know what day I should take off work for this.
Thanks. The plan is to have the game ready on the 20th, run the final installer check and begin distribution between mirrors, so that everything is ready for launch on the 22nd. The download should be available at some point in the afternoon GMT+1.