Toughest female

Phillip Tanaka

Nuff said. In your opinion who's the toughest woman in the Wing Commander games? For me, I'd have to go with Cobra for surviving a decade in Kilrathi slave mines and not having died from radiation poisoning, not to mention what else happened.
I think you're confusing the losing ending of SM1 with Cobra's comments about being a POW. She doesn't say anything about mines or radioactivity.
Rachel is not a combat female...Im going with Cobra too.From the (Wing Commander) women I know,she is the toughest!
Don't know if I'm being picky, but the question was -"Who is the toughest female in the WC games? "

Doesn't matter if they were a combat pilot or not
he said Rachel wasn't a combat FEMALE, he didn't say pilot. anyways, who can beat 10 years as a kilrathi slave and come out alive. hell, compared to cobra most Marines are soft.
Okay combat female, sorry.

But I feel there's a difference between 'tough' and 'survivor'.
Sometimes, they are one in the same, but not always.
You get tougher in the middle of the Battlefield!
If you give Rachel a gun and tell her "there is the enemy ,go and shoot them" she probably start crying like a girl !
If Cobra's so tough, why she'd join up as a pilot rather than a marine?

Besides, without Rachel, Cobra wouldn't have squat to fly.
Ask ,her!How should I know ?At least she s got more exprience than Rachel.

Its obvious ,that Rachel is not a Combat-fem
Originally posted by Azkabyn
If Cobra's so tough, why she'd join up as a pilot rather than a marine?

Besides, without Rachel, Cobra wouldn't have squat to fly.

she can kill more cats in the space force then she can in the marines (i don't know if that's right, but it makes since).

but just cause she can fix ships doesn't mean she's tough

Originally posted by Azkabyn
But I feel there's a difference between 'tough' and 'survivor'.
Sometimes, they are one in the same, but not always.

i would think that in cobra's case she would be both.
Aries,thats what Puz said from WcA.He joined after his injury the Space Academy,cause he could kill more cats than when he was e Marine :P
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I think you're confusing the losing ending of SM1 with Cobra's comments about being a POW. She doesn't say anything about mines or radioactivity.

I would assume that they're the same thing. Anywayradioactivity or not, *you* last for a decade going through what she went through. No, thanks.
Ha ha. Well, at least no one's said anything about me and the Kilrathi. (I may have said before, but my real name resembles neither Phillip nor Tanaka). Anyway, it could be (notice how I used a space that time?) any female. To be a little more in depth, I might have said Angel, or more accurately Yolanda Jilot, would have been the toughest, but I'd have to say no after WC2. Yeah, I can see you out there, yes YOU, waving your arm about and asking 'what about the movie?' Well, sure, Angel there could be tough. But I figure she was just in a foul mood with Bossman's death, rather than being born or bred tough. She's a lot more cordial in the games, which take place after the movie. Guess someone higher up gave her a big fat wake up call to get her act together. Yeah, you can put your hand down too, the one asking 'what about Spirit? Wouldn't you think she's the best at everything?' You are correct, I would think that, and I would say that Spirit is perhaps the toughest mentally. But just imagine who'd walk away if all the women got into a big, all out, no holds barred brawl. No, I'm serious, who do you think would win?
Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
Aries,thats what Puz said from WcA.He joined after his injury the Space Academy,cause he could kill more cats than when he was e Marine :P

like i said, it makes since

and for the big fight, Cobra or Svetlana would be the final two left standing. which one would win, i don't know