To Starlancer Players

Starlancer torpedo hunts are quite a bit different from WC torpedo hunts, though. Primarily, that's because WC torpedoes tend to be in groups of one or two, and the cap missile intercept in Prophecy that has a small wave of cap missiles takes place at a long enough range from the Midway that the trick isn't to kill the missiles - its to get back to the Midway in time to nail the incoming fighters.
Starlancer, on the other hand, tends to launch torpedoes in swarms at point blank range. Half the time, it isn't so much your dogfighting skills that count. Its having the right combination of being in the right place, at the right time, with just the right amount of luck, to plaster half a dozen torpedoes before they can travel ten yards. The one mission where your carrier and the enemy carrier square off and fire broadsides of torpedoes at each other at point blank range is probably the ultimate example of this.
Its not so bad early on, but in the later missions, when you've been transferred to the new carrier, its happens a lot.
It's not like the torpedo missions are all too hard or anything, it's just that they're boring. You do them way too much. It's kinda more realistic that way in that the capships actually do utilize their weaponry against each other at the given oppurtunities, but I'd rather be out blastin' fighters.
I also like to Kill Small Cap Ships, like the Kurgens (Which are more like gun ships), and the command ships. Plus using the stolen Coalition Torp Bombers to destroy the Second Fleet Flag Ship, and also destroying that Super Carrier, with the help of the Vampires
Topgun: Did you ever have trouble with Gamma Wing?

To be honest, for me the absolutely most infuriating thing about Starlancer wasn't the torpedo runs, but Gamma Wing. They were so vulnerable it just drove me nuts, no defensive turrets whatsoever, and a beacon for enemy fighters to converge upon and tear apart.
Some Missions Gamma, were annoying, but others I could deal with the Enemy, and save Gamma. The Rippers during the Final Mission got abit annoying to defend
yeah.. the torps in starlancer were much more close and personal... reminded me most of the broadsides at the end of the wc movie...