The Word Game

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Ripper said:
My ex had a poodle; it was the dumbest animal (and certainly the dumbest *dog*) I ever met. He was light brown, and looked to me like a tiny beige lamb with floppy ears; my sister had another opinion of his appearance...
Due to my high regard for dogs, I refused to even refer to it as one; the farthest I could go was to call it a "canine". A downright slap in the face to "real dogs" everywhere...

::rant concluded::

Therefore, I conclude by adding to this list my sister's term for this, um, ...critter:

Floor mop.
Mr. Clean

Continuing Rant: Gotta agree with you Preacher. My friends mom had a poodle, but she also always kept an immaculately waxed kitchen floor. Anytime that dog got a wild hair or was called from another room it would go full speed through the kitchen, try to make the turn, and slam straight into the opposite wall . . . everytime! We are talking like years here! Dumb dumb dumb dog, but a great source of entertainment for two 8 years olds :).

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