The Word Game

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Preacher said:

If the "organization" is, say, my local utilities company, then I hafta be subjected to that pollution every freakin' time I walk thru the door to dispute an item on my bill. After all, I don't have a choice but to get my gas/electric thru them, and now I gotta wade thru their filth just to continue to get my service from them & not get ripped off?!... That's hardly, by rights, "their" decision; I have a right to get my services thru them without it adversely affecting my health, lung capacity, laundry, or personal hygeine...

Well that brings up another problem: that utilities companies are basically monopolies. They're not monopolies because they're the best servicers, they're that way because of the government. The other kind I have no problem with. If there were competition, then you could simply move to another company which catered more to your tastes. So, basically, THE MAN is holding us down.

Word: Parrothead.
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