The Ultimate Fighter Review

Fruitcake said:
Dammit people, keep your claws off the Scim. It was fun blasting Ralari's with it! :D

Why yes.....yes it was. I'm glad to see I'm not the only guy out there who got some enjoyment out of flying the Scimitar!
I've never had a problem with the " Centaurian mud pig ". :)

Seriously, I enjoyed using the Scimitar...just not as much as the Raptor or Rapier.
the excalibur and dragon were close to perfection. fire up wc3 or 4 and try and to take a missile up the tailpipe.
No offense guys, but what about the Dralthi that you flew with in SM2? Seems its slightly faster speed makes me live longer while duelling Jalthis than I would in a Scim.

How I wish SM2 allowed us to fly covert ops (but your cover is busted anyway) in a Gratha or Jalthi :)
Glide wrapper is a magic thingie that makes glide available for people with non-Voodoo video boards (i.e. everyone nowadays). Glide is the API of the old Voodoo boards, and several early hardware 3D games support only glide, instead of OpenGL and Direct3D. WCP has a D3D mode which is in this case inferior to the Glide one. One of the problems of the D3D in WCP is the lack of some pieces of the crosshairs and the nav cross.

I can't remember where I found it, but a quick search to the tech support foruns and the internet will find it for you.
I hope it works for you... And a DX9 level video board is necessary for the wrapper to work with WCP. The good thing is that now I can play MW2: Titanium and Iwar again.
Whats wrong with the Devastator in Prophecy?
I loved it. Sure it's slow, and hopeless in dogfights, but what do you expect? It's a heavy bomber!
It's supposed to fly into the thick of battle without escort and get out, it is like the B-17 Flying Fortress in the 2nd world war.
Besides I loved the plasma gun. I smashed a Nephillim Devil Ray who was stupid enough to go head to head in a chicken race with me :)

And cheers to Maj. Striker! I commenced the Maj. Striker Maneuver with a Devastator when another Devil Ray was on my six.
The poor fellow wanted to eat my ship when he was food poisoned with three(!) Porcupine mines. He wasn't happy at all :)
