The True Nature of the Nephilim

The True Nature of the Nephilem

I hope this is the right forum, might fit as well into fan projects...

What I'd like to do is to create a database for the nephilem. I don't know yet what I am going to do with it (write a story, do a sequel to SO,...) however. I know that sounds whacko ;)

Anyhow so what I'd like to do is to answer all the questions the nephilem pose such as (but not limited to):
* Why did they attack
* How does their sozial system work
* How do they build their ships
* Where do the originate

Now I got a lot of ideas as to where to go from the facts that WCP/SO provided us and expand from there.
What I'd like to ask everyone is to send me their ideas to that topic. Any creative thing is appreciated, just don't be disappointed if I don't use it in the end because I saw something better.

Finally I'd like to ask to send the stuff to instead of here in order to not spoil surprises for everyone.

I hope this made sense...
Re: The True Nature of the Nephilem

I'll post it here so it can be debated.

*Why did they attack
1. They are evil
2. Their MASTERS told them to
3. The Mother creature told them to
4. Their evil master, the mother creature, told them to

The bugs are part of the aligned races. Actually, it is not clear if the mother creature is controling the "aligned" races, or if she just controls the bugs and is a member of aforementioned organization.

But there is no formal state of war between any organization and confed. They are more like an infestation than an enemy fleet. There's no way, so far, to strike back.

*How does their sozial system work
Hive-like. There might be other unknown races.

*How do they build their ships
Grow them. Fighters, and perhaps even capships, at least in part.

*Where do the originate
The central core of the galaxy or something. From very far, beacuse they have to use portals to come close to earth.

Like it's been said, all we really know about the Nephilim is that they're crustacean-types, they revere an entity known as the "Mother Creature" (either a Queen/Empress-type being to their society or merely their equivalent of "God"... or maybe there's actually several "Mother Creatures," making every time they say "The Mother Creature shall avenge me!" the equivalent of "I love you, Mom!"), they call themselves (at least their Armed Forces) the "Aligned Peoples," in reference to fighting Confed & Kilrathi they talk a lot about "The Harvest," and they need to use artificial wormhole gateways to reach our space.

Why did they attack? Who knows? There's just not enough evidence to say either way. They seem more or less akin to the locust-type aliens in "Independence Day," just going world to world (or system to system), exhausting planets of their natural resources until they're dry and then moving on. Are they evil? No more than ants are evil for attacking pill bugs... I don't really see the validity of the question. Basically, the sense one has to get from playing Prophecy & Secret Ops (as well as its fiction) is that who we call the "Nephilim" are essentially puppets for some pretty sharp characters who are as-yet unseen behind the scenes pulling their strings. Dare one suggest... Steltek? Double-Helix? Mantu? Who knows... not us, that's for sure. I had the theory a long time ago that groups akin to the remnants of the Black Lance, trying to keep Confed "vigilant" and "ready" (similar to the BL's WC4 modus operandi) might have somehow provoked a war with the Nephilim and drawn them to our space, but this is mere fanboy speculation on possibilities.

Do they come from our galaxy's space? There's a lot of space uncharted, even factoring in unseen Kilrathi-conquered space on the Prophecy map... this seems most likely, especially considering (assuming they ARE the "Star Gods" referenced in the WCP manual) they visited the Kilrathi a couple thousand years before WCP. Could they come from another galaxy, another dimension? Who knows? They *could* come from our galaxy, but barring that anything goes. Prophecy was to be the first part in a storyline's trilogy that would chronicle this tale to fruition (not including Secret Ops), but now I suppose we might never know.

Well, LOAF says he knows, but he ain't tellin'... :)

- Neo
Hm.....I havent much to say.I found lots of my thoughts in your posts.

Well,they are Evil Neo.They say that.They talk about Darkness and our Doom.
I dont know if they are related to the Mantu,or Steltek.Well,I dont think they are related to the Double-Helix....they have nothing common.
The Steltek ships at Privateer ,reminds me a little the Nephilim.

Also,I dont think they are from our Galaxy or even it they are ,they are not close to the known Map.I think these Wormholes they use are for biiiiiiiiig Travels :)