The Outlander Trailer has Arrived!!!!


Finder of things, Doer of stuff
And it looks AMAZING.... I'm fairly speechless really. I hope to have it up fairly shortly here.
My instant impressions:

Good God that's f***ing brilliant!!!

My instant impressions:

It screams conflict, Vikings and aliens. It's dark, fast and angry. Rrrrrrrr.

The LOTR and Beowulf connections are clear, but IMHO Ron Perlman should be more recognizable given the recent trailers for Hellboy II, which I believe are truly breathtaking.
watched the trailer a few more times.

OK, I just watched the trailer a few more times.

It's very compelling, so many intriguing elements. I've seen enough trailers to know that they can often misrepresent or at least distort the theatrical release that they are designed to promote.

What I've seen here is only a hundred seconds, but I want more. . . the beast, the ships, the weapons, everything.

PG aka purplebeast
outlander trailer

Hi everyone,
For some strange reason I don't seem to be able to view the trailer. Which sucks big time since it sounds cool. Any idea why it isn't working for me? Thanks.

Outlander trailer

Oh my gosh!!! That was well worth waiting for! I just watched it 3 times and it only just wetted my appetite for the release date but did you notice it says 2008????? Yessss!!!!!:D:D:D

Looks absolutely amazing!:cool:
Hi everyone,
For some strange reason I don't seem to be able to view the trailer. Which sucks big time since it sounds cool. Any idea why it isn't working for me? Thanks.


Hi there, what browser are you using? I appologize for not checking compatability.

Also you will need to make sure you have a flash player installed on your machine.

[EDIT: Works ok In Safari, Firefox, and IE7 for me]
IMHO Ron Perlman should be more recognizable given the recent trailers for Hellboy II, which I believe are truly breathtaking.

Ron Perlman is there in the trailer but you are right in that I'm not sure most people will recognize him at first, especially since I don't think they put any of his dialogue in the trailer.

[EDIT: He's the big one smashing some poor bloke's head in with the two hammers]
Incredible! That was a nice surprise to return home to after a day of driving on the Alaskan Highway system.

Not sure what I did but it seems to work now. Thanks. Awesome looking footage
it looks cool but was oh so short. my initial reactions are 1) caviezel's voice sounds hoarse and otherworldly. barely recognizable. 2) no sophia myles which is confusing. females may want to see this too and it'd be nice to see some kick ass chick sword wielding people to death. 3) i know it was only 90 seconds but advertise the names of caviezel, perlman and john hurt somewhere in the trailer.

all in all it did a good job portraying itself and wetting the appetites to those that want to see more. it'd be nice if american movie sites can pick up on this (, aintitcoolnews, dark horizons etc..) to give it as much publicity as it deserves. maybe word of mouth will spread and force the weinsteins to show this movie here in north america.
it looks cool but was oh so short. my initial reactions are 1) caviezel's voice sounds hoarse and otherworldly. barely recognizable. 2) no sophia myles which is confusing. females may want to see this too and it'd be nice to see some kick ass chick sword wielding people to death. 3) i know it was only 90 seconds but advertise the names of caviezel, perlman and john hurt somewhere in the trailer.

all in all it did a good job portraying itself and wetting the appetites to those that want to see more. it'd be nice if american movie sites can pick up on this (, aintitcoolnews, dark horizons etc..) to give it as much publicity as it deserves. maybe word of mouth will spread and force the weinsteins to show this movie here in north america.

Yeah, it's a little odd that it doesn't really name the actors, but In some ways that lets the action and story stand out more and lets the actors disapear into the roles. But it does seem odd that they didn't show Sophia. As an interesting side note, I happen to have here the most brief clip of sophia hacking some poor fellow with a sword... It's barely more than a second or two long though.

The trailer is pretty much in vein with the Poster though regarding not mentioning much beyond the executive producer who probably did help out quite a bit to focus the concept art and stuff like that, and the scenes in the trailer are amazingly close to that concept art. Stilll, it's also an international trailer so a domestic campaign would probably focus on the more familiar elements... we'll see I guess.

Also word is already spreading in some circles...
Yeah, it's a little odd that it doesn't really name the actors, but In some ways that lets the action and story stand out more and lets the actors disapear into the roles. But it does seem odd that they didn't show Sophia. As an interesting side note, I happen to have here the most brief clip of sophia hacking some poor fellow with a sword... It's barely more than a second or two long though.

The trailer is pretty much in vein with the Poster though regarding not mentioning much beyond the executive producer who probably did help out quite a bit to focus the concept art and stuff like that, and the scenes in the trailer are amazingly close to that concept art. Stilll, it's also an international trailer so a domestic campaign would probably focus on the more familiar elements... we'll see I guess.

Also word is already spreading in some circles...

can you elaborate on the spreading in some circles quote? also do you think there would be that much difference between an international trailer and a domestic one? if so why is that so? thanks, look forward to your feedback and also from those lucky enough to see it these next few days.
there's a huge typo
"lord of the ring"

Hehe yeah, but there's also stuff like that in the credit scrawl at the bottom of the poster. That isn't uncommon for international trailers that get cut by the distributors in those regions.

can you elaborate on the spreading in some circles quote? also do you think there would be that much difference between an international trailer and a domestic one? if so why is that so? thanks, look forward to your feedback and also from those lucky enough to see it these next few days.

I was watching my stats counter last night and out of curriosity seeing where notes were posted about the trailer with links back and there's genuine excitement among some genre fan communities.

Someone even posted a story to the Hollywood stock exchange site. Twitchfilm has a short post about it and that's generating a lot of hits at the moment. Twitch is fairly high profile in the movie blog world and they get a lot of international movie news.
Oh god...

You do not know how happy I am to see some posted footage of all the hard work that went into this movie. The wait has been long but the outcome at first glance appears incredible!! The monster is incredible and cgi work on set is bang on.
there's a huge typo
"lord of the ring"

Nice catch - saw it many times and the brain didn't pick it up. That's a MAJOR mistake, I hope somebody feels bad. Unacceptable and totally bush league.

So besides the online keen, where is this trailer seen, I wonder?

And how can I send it to my freinds?
