The Oscars

By the end of the Dune movie, I really really really wanted the House-Badguys to win. With that creepy little girl and all.
Eder said:
And The Thin Red Line is one of the best movies ever.

That crazy old guy at the beach told me once "If you and Eder ever agree on something, the world will end in a terrible fashion!"

We're screwed.
I thought Mystic River was quite alright until that dude's wife gave her speech at the end. Holy jumping Christ! WHAT A COMPLETE ASS! Um... wait, maybe the Oscar wasn't about that? :D And what of the eagles just popping in at the end of RotK? "Uh, wait, they're getting severely spanked here, let's throw in something... Yeah, EAGLES!" ... Sheesh. YES, they were in the book, but there they weren't just 'thrown in' to save the day. Thumbs down. Two Towers owned it, as did its music. However, Into the West cannot be overestimated. THAT, at least, was an Oscar well-earned. (Hey, don't give me those looks, I just read a summary in the newspaper. You wouldn't catch me dead actually watching the spectacle.) Well, the costumes were pretty ace too, I suppose...
Anyway, I suppose I should top it off before I bring out the Big Flamethrower known as Mechanus Cannon: RotK winning an Oscar for best movie says more about the movies made this year than RotK itself. Provided the deciding body isn't corrupted. ;)
I haven't seen Master and Commander so I can't compare it to LOTR, but I LOVE ROTK, seen it twice so far. I was pleased for Peter Jackson
I'm a huge LotR fan, so I'm happy Return of the King did so well. RotK was a great movie... but I don't think it alone deserved all of those awards.

But if you replace RotK with the whole trilogy... things make sense. RotK wasn't the greatest, but as a whole, the three movies are absolutely incredible motion pictures.

Fellowship got four, Towers got two, Return of the King got eleven. Total=15. Average=5.

5 award average sounds about right, eh?

or something like that.
The LOTR series won more award than any other series ever, Godfather got 9. It also tied Ben Hur and Titanic for most Oscars ever won, quite an accomplishment when one considers that best actor/actress wasn't a catagory. It was a good movie, and the series was awesome. Fatboy Lucas might have lost greatest trilogy ever.

I wished Master and Commander did better, I liked LOTR more, mainly cause of the feelings of awe, and the fact that I am a fantasy buff, but Master was the best movie of its kind ever made. Mystic river, didn't see it, but if it got released again like it it did, it must have have been a powerful movie. Oh where did Sean Pean come from anyway, last time I saw him was on the Metallica tribute show, and he was either drunk or stoned out of his mind talking about when he first saw them twenty or so years ago, and about how they weren't gonna go anywhere with a name like "metal licka"

I kinda knew that LOTR was gonna sweep though after the golden globes. I think that ROTK was the only movie ever to win the most Oscars and sweep them at the same time (don't quote me though, only have watched a few of them). I knew that ROTK would get best special effects too, only Lucas and his unlimited budgets for the new SW flicks could beat LOTR. I was suprised that Cruise didn't get nominated for the Last Samurai, a great movie, though it was given a hollywood ending.

On a lighter note, Master and Commander was filmed in Oregon and Washington, near where I live, and they hired liked 300 sailors to fill out the roles of the crewmen. And the guy who played Pippen was in it to, him and the guy that played Merry are gonna be cursed like SW and ST actors (aside from Ford and on a lesser note Hammil though not really lol), always known for thier for "famous" roles.

Whew that was a big post lol.
Oh and Peter Jackson looks terrible and down right silly in a suit.

I also like the "everyone in New Zealand has been thanked, they are gonna have to start over again and start thanking them over again", or something like that lol.
LeHah said:
That crazy old guy at the beach told me once "If you and Eder ever agree on something, the world will end in a terrible fashion!"

We're screwed.
A world which didn't give that movie half a dozen academy awards probably deserves it, anyway. :p
Ever since E.T. (Greasy muppet and Mary Poppins flying bicycles) beat out Star Trek 2, The Wrath Of Khan (Starships dogfighting in a nebula) For special effects Oscar, the Oscars suck.
"Leave you like you left me, left her, buried in the center of a dead planet.........buried alive......buried alive....."

and later
"Lieutenant, you are looking at the only starfleet fadet ever to beat the no win scenario"
"Would you tell me what you did, I would really like to know."
"I reprogramed the simutation so it was possible to save the ship."
"he cheated
"I changed the conditions of the a commendation for original thinking......I don't like to lose"
"Then you never faced that situation........face death."
"I don't believe in the no win scenario..................Kirk to Spock, its been two hours are you ready?"
"Right on schedule admiral, just give us your coordinates and we'll beam you aboard."
"Alright" (Suprised look on everbodies face except for Mckoy who has a smirk. "I don't like to lose."
(You have to know the part from earlier in the movie, but it is one of the coolest moments in Star Trek history)
Indeed...pobodys nerfect

Speaking of cadet, how many posts until I get my next rank? And do I currently get to have a quote underneath my posts? I just don't remember how to do that.

p.s. I was actually quite taken by Star Trek 6. You gotta admit they did a decent job on that movie.